so, yeah, a beach run.
get to pismo
come back
put my phone on my truck
get my key out
put key on keyring
open drivers door
get in
drive off with phone on top of my truck.
made it all the way home (15 miles) and said, WHERE THE FUCK IS MY PHONE!!
then i realized what i did.
RACE Back to the scene
look all over for phone
no phone.
start driving back.
see my case off to the side of the road about 1/4 mile from where i parked.
Look for phone
phone wasnt off to the side
Must have been run over 100 times by the time i got to it. Totally shattered, sim card toast.
I now have a new Samsung Galaxy 4S.
get to pismo
come back
put my phone on my truck
get my key out
put key on keyring
open drivers door
get in
drive off with phone on top of my truck.
made it all the way home (15 miles) and said, WHERE THE FUCK IS MY PHONE!!
then i realized what i did.
RACE Back to the scene
look all over for phone
no phone.
start driving back.
see my case off to the side of the road about 1/4 mile from where i parked.
Look for phone
phone wasnt off to the side
Must have been run over 100 times by the time i got to it. Totally shattered, sim card toast.

I now have a new Samsung Galaxy 4S.

haha upgrade!!