Well the last few weeks have been pretty busy and I'm really not used to having any sort of social life - which is why I didn't do a journal entry for a while!

I've also been feeling pretty sorry for myself and I didn't want to come here and make a tit out of myself!

So anyway at the moment I'm trying to download...
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fraid it's a no can do...damn parents decide a family day out to the countryside is in order.... mad
yeah. we're going up a waterfall, and down again and then we'll have bonded....riiight..? yeah we'll meet up soon, have a fun day in the cinema and film fest saturday!
Well I had no internet access last night (damn blueyonder and their shitty "broadband"!)...

Anyway I'm off to my mates place for the weekend soon... technically we're celebrating his baby daughter's 1st birthday but mainly we'll be getting drunk, eating junk food and watching movies... good times! biggrin
i truly hope that is not the best picture you could find of yourself all though with a bit of photoshopping i'm sure you'd fit right into the armies of mordor. wink
No time for a journal entry, Dr Jones...

But here's a funny clip someone e-mailed me (a banned Channel 4 promo featuring celebs favourite swear words!)...


Enjoy (my favourite is the guy from Scrubs... biggrin )

EDIT - Well that link has already been posted in the UK group a while back... d'oh! Still no time for a journal entry though... tongue
lmao ive changed it twice haha, ure only 28 and ure telling me u cant keep upbiggrin ure a jammy sod for having weekends off damn usmile
Well I left for work today at 7:30am and noticed at the bottom of my road there were posters celebrating one of my Sister's friends 30th birthday (a lovely lady by the name of Lindsey). To be honest at that time of the morning I'm not at my most observant so I'm surprised I even noticed them!

Anyway cut to ten hours later and I've...
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lmao ive ordered it, seriously i havebiggrin when it gets here is another story though biggrin
yeah well thats where lovely parents come in! tongue
Okay firstly apologies to anyone reading this as today I will be mainly using this space to rant like a motherfucker...

Let me set the scene - you've spent your nine hours at your desk desperately trying to block out the continual drone of your work colleagues whilst you carry out your own menial job (one of the many benefits of working in an "open...
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haha proper mental, consider it bought by friday lol, biggrin yeah ya worth it for talkin to me haha biggrin
bloody townies eh? little scamps...

where do you work in bootle? i used to work at the HSE near oriel road st., it was a massive building, so when everyone left, i used to find that elderly work colleagues form an effective human shield against bb gun pellets. they didn't mind much, i think they appreciated the attention smile
I haven't mentioned this here before but I collect original comic book art - it can be an expensive hobby but it's amazing to be able to hold in your hands the physical artwork created by people you have admired for years...

I have small collection but it's one I'm proud of and today I thought I'd share a recent acquisition with you. It's a...
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those pictures rule. im gonna start collecting art, my friend does these awesome neon pictures, kinda pop-arty dotty stuff....ahhhh i dont describe it well. but there amazing... as soon as i can get 400 bones together shes gonna paint me a personal one smile
oompa loompas are the best!! eeek
Well today is my birthday - not much more to say other than that!

For some reason every christmas & birthday I now get Liquorice Allsorts from my sister... I'm not sure why as I'm really not a big fan. I mean I don't dislike them but I've never really stated a great desire for them either?!?!

I also got some Thorntons Peanut Brittle off...
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Happy Birthday! Sounds like you had a good time out on the lash! biggrin

I'm kinda drunk at the moment so I can't post any sort of reasonable debate but I really though Audition was one of Takashi's better offerings. Yes it can be painfully slow but as that was kind of the original intention of the piece I couldn't really find fault with it... I mean his films are almost cartoons sometimes with the constant bombardment of violence and vulgarity so when in Audition (after waiting so long) Asami hacks Shigeharu's foot off with the wire... well that was more effectively chilling because we as the audience had to wait for it... at least in my eyes...

I agree with that, it does give the scenes more impact as Miike has set them in a very real world, unlike say Ichi The Killer which is ridiculously ott, or cartoony if you like, with its violence from the off. I'd heard that Miike was a very stylish director, but mostly I just found his films to be dark and gritty looking, the mise-en-scene isn't generally very nice to look at.

whilst the first film could be seen as a slight parody (although it wasn't really intended that way) the sequel is really meant to be a parody both of current world politics (the war on terrorism, etc) and also of Japanese culture (the original intention is that Nanahara is rebelling not only against the BR act but about the americanisation of the Japanese culture)...

I didn't really pick any of that up when I was watching it, perhaps I should take another look at it, I sort of lost interest after Nanahara's speech and the second shot of the buildings collapsing. I thought the two speeches about america's post ww2 war activities was baseless, not being properly contextualised within the film and so it seems to be courting controversy more than anything that adds to the the film.

I'd say it's foolish to write off Asian cinema though just because of those movies... movies, like all art, are very subjective. And okay you didn't like those movies... but in my humble opinion asian cinema in general is often more inventive, more beautiful... and hell plain old more interesting than a lot of the other stuff out there...

Yeah, I agree with that, but I haven't really written it off, its just that i'm not as excited about it than I had been before seeing these two films which were ones I was desperately looking forward to.

At the moment I have Black Angel to watch, and on my rental queue are....
BlackAngel 2
DeadOrAlive 2
Ring 0
Ring 2

So gimme a month or two, and I should have much more of an idea of what I'm talking about smile You know of any others that should be on that list?

eep. turns out black angel 1&2 are itallian. who woulda thunk it!

*update, dvds365.com are the fuckwits. not me. surreal

[Edited on Mar 08, 2004 12:56PM]
Well today I decided to start fleshing out my profile details so people can get a better idea of who I am. So I've started with probably the most difficult - my "most humbling moment":

Coming home the morning after the night before with my face mangled to fuck (that's a medical term!) and having to explain to my parents that I had been attacked...
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not at all! sorry to hear about the most humbling moment, but i'd ignore anything the fuckwits round crosby think, and i should know, i went to school with most of them. i wasn't fortunate enough to be a *la-di-da* Manor kid! tongue smile

well because my parents were trying to sell the house to them, i couldnt say a lot to my defence. i just kinda agreed and left straight away before they could get any other coments in. but all that night i kept getting flashbacks of her saying it. worse thing is i swear she wasnt much older than me, which made it more of an anoyance for some reason. blackeyed

woah that sounds pretty shit. things like that happen all the time around here. but when you are much older than the kids it makes it much harder. nearlly happened to me last weekend. there was three of us, walking with beers in our hands, just making our way out. and we happened to come across about 15 chavs, 2 with baseball bats??? all came over to harrase(sp??) us but we just gave them our beers and made off. but if it wasnt for the beers. idunno what they would have done?? the things we all got because we are "different"
Well I'm supposed to be on a hardcore savings plan for at least another year but yesterday I went shopping!

I didn't get anything too extravagant thought so I'm quite pleased with myself! And when I picked up my comic book standing order there were new issues of my two favourite magazines - Asian Cult Cinema and Wrapped in Plastic... yay! biggrin

I recently really culled...
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tang is a powdered drink that tastes amazingly like sherbert but you cant get it over here in the UK. frown i used to eat it when i was younger it give you the biggest sugar rush!! biggrin
nah its staying in for this week......and then forever!! eeek
I actually attempted to do the offical patented bloodflowers method of writing a journal entry in work and then e-mailing it to myself... but for some reason I couldn't do it!

I just kept thinking of more things I had to do... so although no journal entry was written by 5pm I did have a desk that was so tidy if the old addage "A...
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Hi blush
yeah i thought i might be able to beat india for the amount of times i can say it tongue plus it would be good to get a girlfriend. where did you get that clip? it was amazing