I was gonna write a huge hate-spewing diatribe about how I've had the worst fucking day of my life in work today...

But since I've come home to find a new Quinne set waiting for me... well lets just say love love love
indeed, she is AWESOME, but she knows it, so not that awesome.

you were right about mystery of the batwoman, its not worth it in the light of BTAS. its okay, but not the same. the penguin seems like such a floozy.....
you were right about "mystery of the batwoman", it obviously didn't make much of an impression,

am looking forward to batman begins loads, its just a pity there's no harley quinn. now SHE would make a superb movie villain.
Well today I got my Lynda Carter Wonder Woman Season 1 DVD-set... so I won't be leaving the house for at least a week!

And as if that wasn't gay enough I should be getting Batman: The Animated Series Season 1 (the first 28 episodes) and Challenge of the Superfriends Season 1 next week... I think I can easily say goodbye to July!

Oh and...
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griffin shmiffin! its what photoshop and boredom make.

i am SO jealous of the wonderwoman dvd. and my god i LOVE batman the animated series. i have recently become a batman obsessive - i just got a copy of the 'mystery of the catwoman' dvd, which is pretty cool, if not up to BTAS best standards.

how's life in bootle treating you?
Have another one to make up for it.

She's married to Robert Altman you know...
Well I just got back from London and my brain is fried (six hours in a coach with no air-conditioning pn a blistering hot day)... phew skull

More soon...
HAHA!!!!! i LOVE your profile picture. to death.
in your pictures... you have a folder called "pictures from my trip to new..." could you fix that please?? i now find myself needing desperately to know which new you went to.
Well it may sound incrediby gay... but Big Brother is starting again on Friday... wooooooooo biggrin

I never really got "into" BB properly until BB3 when I had cable and could watch interactively pretty much whenever I wanted... I loved that series so much that I actually applied to go on last years show...

That was actually a really big deal for me as I'm a...
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No worries dude. I'm really looking forward to it myself. But I think it's going to have to be a lightning strike and without the old walkie talkie meeting up could prove to be a hassle. If I think of a plan I'll drop you a note.
Thinking back to the dim and distant days of yesterday night, yes, it was me. I was wearing the incredibly unwise red longsleeve with a picture of an inbcredibly buff Bruce Lee on it which con do nothing less than draw unfavourable comparison.

Yeah, I arrived on time but when Kev went on past 11:30 I got jumpy about my train and had to shift.

I had an excellent time. Being in the middle of preparing for two one hour sets for the Edinburgh Fringe i am amazed at anyone who can hold his own on stage for 4+ hours!

Yeah. Cool to completely not see you at all. whatever biggrin

The most entertaining part for me was seeing how my own taste in films and Kevin Smith's only seem to coincide on our opinions of The Hulk movie which he couldn't have got much righter but from my POV Darko = sucked; Charlie's Angels = Less than Charlies 2 but both are worthy. Spider Man = Cool (although I can't argue the logic of the rooftop scene) John Hughes = Doesn't do as much for me as it clearly does for Kevin. Oh yeah, but we did agree on The Matrix too. Next time Sommers puts out a movie I'm taking Mewes! That would kick ass.
that pic is class!

sorry i never replied to your mammoth disney comment in my journal, but my internet access has been screwy for a while.

i like your motivations for collecting the uncut disney stuff, i remember once studying marxist theory at uni, and there was a disney cartoon where donald and jiminey cricket fought off two vultures called marx and hegel. it was pretty insidious stuff, its hard to beleive disney was so openly political in the early days whereas now they hide behind "childrens entertainment" - splitters! biggrin

(ps. even if donald had succeded above, wouldn't there have just been a loud bang, smoke, then donald's face a shocked ashen black as his bill fell off?)
I never find myself with much time for journal updates or maybe it's just I have nothing or, at the best, very little to say...

I can say that after getting the Region 1 DVD yesterday Bubba Ho-Tep is most definately the best film I didn't see last year!

And Kill Bill Vol. 2 is even better the second time around!

Now off to watch...
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everyones time comes, i sorted it out kinda but now i have a new job oppurtunity but i might have to move away frown it always goes tits up whatever
I agree with your ideas about religion being for the weak willed. It's sickening how religion holds people down and moulds them into its ideals.

And wow, Donald Duck trying to kill himself? Finally, Disney realises what the youth are actually thinking! biggrin
Okay I've been pretty bad about updating my journal lately so I'm doing this one now even though I have nothing really important to say!

So anyway I've just proved to myself that I'm uselss at saving money! As I've just pre-ordered the following three limited edition Walt Disney Treasures DVDs...

Mickey Mouse in Living Color Volume Two: 1939 - Today

The Chronological Donald Volume...
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no! disney are EVIL!!! look what their doing to michael moore's film!

(on saying that, monsters inc was well funny!)
Just a quick update today - I've put a new folder in my pictures section for stuff from my trips to New Jersey attending Kevin Smith's film festivals.

At the moment I've only got digital versions of my second trip from 2002 so I've started with some location shots (the Quick Stop and RST Video from Clerks) and shots of movie props (mainly from Jay...
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OMG i totally love it! She was always my hero as a kid.. thak you kiss kiss kiss
Hey hey how goes it?
For some reason I have two syer_lps in my friends box... eerie!

Well after seeing Shaun of the Dead twice I finally cracked and got both Series 1 & 2 of Spaced on DVD... at 6.99 each including postage at play.com I couldn't really say no! So if anyone is wondering where I'll be for the next few days... I'll be in front of the...
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WOW you went to meet them thats sound!! You have me up twice its because im the best biggrin biggrin DOGSHIT SANDWICH are actually playing a show for me next month in Liverpool i'll let you know when and where when i remember biggrin biggrin
Well my grand plan for yesterday was to have a completely self-indulgent day alone...

The first day of a four-day weekend, I'd just been paid for the month and to be honest I really needed to chill out as I've been on the verge of going postal at work for some weeks now...

So anyway I got up around 9am yesterday (still tecnically a lie...
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haha thats so fucking rad! thank you sugar! biggrin
HAHAHAHAHA more scousers im on a roll findin ya all biggrin blackeyed puke