My bad - I was supposed to update my journal at the weekend and make a new profile pic but time totally ran away with me! So for now here's a delayed update - the new pic will have to wait though!
Distraction of the Week:
I like to play games until I can win them... this little bastard still has me beaten as I can't beat the last level (level 3)! It looks incredibly simple and although there are million similar games I've never played anything quite like this variation:
Gorillaz: Tiles of the Unexpected!
Coincidence of the Week:
Every so often I search eBay to see if there are any Sherilyn Fenn DVDs that have come out that I don't have yet - in the past I've seen that Desire and Hell at Sunset Motel (a movie I've had on ex-rental video from when it was first released but I'd like to replace with a DVD) was available in Australia but as my trusty old multi-region player only handles Regions 1 & 2 that release was no use to me. So last week whilst doing my semi-regular eBay search I spotted some bootlegs but, as I'd recently bought a bootleg that I was still waiting to arrive, I decided to leave it for a while and buy it in a few weeks. Then whilst in the supermarket at the weekend I see Sherilyn Fenn's face looking out at me from the cheap & nasty DVD rack! I haven't had a chance to check out the quality of it yet - but I was happy to get an official DVD for 2.75 when just a few days earlier I was contemplating buying an overpriced bootleg!
Speaking of Bootlegs:
The other bootleg mentioned above did turn up and although the quality wasn't great it was entertaining. So what was this bootleg I hear you ask? Well, it was the original TV pilot episode version of Mulholland Drive. If you don't know the story behind that - the short version is that Lynch made Mullholland drive as a pilot for ABC they didn't like it and Lynch ended up filming additional scenes re-editing everything and releasing it as a movie several years later. Well having finally watched it I can officially say ABC were total ass-clowns for cancelling the show - the pilot that Lynch handed in (which he said was a rushed cut that he wasn't entirely happy with) was still miles better than almost anything I've seen in the last ten years and was so full of promise. The pilot version is much more straight-forward and linear than the movies was and I genuinley can't understand how any could have watched that pilot and not wanted to know where that story was going to go. As much as I love the film version I can't help but think how great it would have been to have had this show at least last a season just to have seen were Lynch would have taken it
Distraction of the Week:
I like to play games until I can win them... this little bastard still has me beaten as I can't beat the last level (level 3)! It looks incredibly simple and although there are million similar games I've never played anything quite like this variation:
Gorillaz: Tiles of the Unexpected!
Coincidence of the Week:
Every so often I search eBay to see if there are any Sherilyn Fenn DVDs that have come out that I don't have yet - in the past I've seen that Desire and Hell at Sunset Motel (a movie I've had on ex-rental video from when it was first released but I'd like to replace with a DVD) was available in Australia but as my trusty old multi-region player only handles Regions 1 & 2 that release was no use to me. So last week whilst doing my semi-regular eBay search I spotted some bootlegs but, as I'd recently bought a bootleg that I was still waiting to arrive, I decided to leave it for a while and buy it in a few weeks. Then whilst in the supermarket at the weekend I see Sherilyn Fenn's face looking out at me from the cheap & nasty DVD rack! I haven't had a chance to check out the quality of it yet - but I was happy to get an official DVD for 2.75 when just a few days earlier I was contemplating buying an overpriced bootleg!
Speaking of Bootlegs:
The other bootleg mentioned above did turn up and although the quality wasn't great it was entertaining. So what was this bootleg I hear you ask? Well, it was the original TV pilot episode version of Mulholland Drive. If you don't know the story behind that - the short version is that Lynch made Mullholland drive as a pilot for ABC they didn't like it and Lynch ended up filming additional scenes re-editing everything and releasing it as a movie several years later. Well having finally watched it I can officially say ABC were total ass-clowns for cancelling the show - the pilot that Lynch handed in (which he said was a rushed cut that he wasn't entirely happy with) was still miles better than almost anything I've seen in the last ten years and was so full of promise. The pilot version is much more straight-forward and linear than the movies was and I genuinley can't understand how any could have watched that pilot and not wanted to know where that story was going to go. As much as I love the film version I can't help but think how great it would have been to have had this show at least last a season just to have seen were Lynch would have taken it

ha, i love to win games too but that doesn't stop me playin 'em. i'm a totall addict