I think that last post was a little unfair of me - I guess after a few drinks my desperate need for attention raised it's ugly little head!
So I don't normally do New Year's resolutions but I'm going to try and do my best to post at least semi-regular non-dramatic journal updates. So let's get on with the banality...
I've been spending so little time here these last few weeks because I've been watching Smallville all the hours God sends! I bought Seasons 1 & 2 on DVD last year, watched them at a fairly leisurely pace and really enjoyed them. Then at Christmas I picked up Seasons 2 & 3 with plans to watch them at the same leisurely pace... until I found out E4 were getting ready to start airing Season 5 here in the UK! So I've been watching several episodes every night so I'll be ready to watch Season 5 (it actually started last night but as long as I'm caught up by Sunday I can watch the repeat... finally cable tv has it's uses)!

So I don't normally do New Year's resolutions but I'm going to try and do my best to post at least semi-regular non-dramatic journal updates. So let's get on with the banality...

I've been spending so little time here these last few weeks because I've been watching Smallville all the hours God sends! I bought Seasons 1 & 2 on DVD last year, watched them at a fairly leisurely pace and really enjoyed them. Then at Christmas I picked up Seasons 2 & 3 with plans to watch them at the same leisurely pace... until I found out E4 were getting ready to start airing Season 5 here in the UK! So I've been watching several episodes every night so I'll be ready to watch Season 5 (it actually started last night but as long as I'm caught up by Sunday I can watch the repeat... finally cable tv has it's uses)!

Come on out dude. It'd be cracking to actually meet you and it's part of my mission for this year to meet as many of my UK friends as humanly possible! So you'd be helping a brother out naamean.
Thak you for the comment on my set