Its Been a While Since I've Posted Anything... I've Just Been So Busy Not Havin' a Life... So Busy it Seems That Time Seems is Passin' Me By.
I Moved... I'm Now Livin' in Rhode Island. I Rent a House In Johnston, RI with 2 Friends from Work.
I'm Still Workin' Security[3rd Shift]... Doesn't Leave that Much Time For a Life... But I Try and Grab a Drink and a Cigar[@ 70/70 Premium Cigar Shop/Lounge] With my Friends Whenever I Can.
I Find Myself Spending Most of My Time Watchin' Netflix, Playin' Xbox, and Drinkin' Alone...
Other Than That Their Really Isn't Much To Report[Man Do I Need A Life...]
I Moved... I'm Now Livin' in Rhode Island. I Rent a House In Johnston, RI with 2 Friends from Work.
I'm Still Workin' Security[3rd Shift]... Doesn't Leave that Much Time For a Life... But I Try and Grab a Drink and a Cigar[@ 70/70 Premium Cigar Shop/Lounge] With my Friends Whenever I Can.
I Find Myself Spending Most of My Time Watchin' Netflix, Playin' Xbox, and Drinkin' Alone...
Other Than That Their Really Isn't Much To Report[Man Do I Need A Life...]
hi !! thanx for add !!! XOXO ...hugs