1. First app you check when you wake up in the morning?
Twitter my kinky profil
2. First broken bone?
3. First foreign country you ever visited?
4. First time I ever got into trouble at school?
I was good kid, but I broke in school library in 9th grade.
5. My first BF/GF?
Kamila, daughter of family friends, the first kiss at 4, the first tries at 12. 🖤
6. My First car?
I am from Czech republic, it's Skoda fabia.
7. My first celebrity crush?
Nurse Ina, czech actress Andrea Cunderlikova
8. My first crush?
Kveta from next door classroom in 5th grade
9. My first ever cell phone?
Unbreakable Nokia 5110
10. My first ever kiss?
Kamila at 4, tongue in action with Zuzka at 10.
11. My first fear?
12. My first heartbreak?
Andrea, i lost 4 years on high school with and without her, JUST romatic in me died 😏
13. My first Instagram post?
After the first visit of barber
14. My first job?
Administrative AKA doorman
15. My first language?
Czech and polish
16. My first pet?
None, I don't like animals
17. My first piercing and when did I get it?
I need it now in left nipple so 41?
18. My first sexual experience?
School friend Zuzka I was 10.
19. My first tattoo?
33 - latin words on right forearm
20. The first person I talked to today?
Family weekend so with mum.
21. The first person you text when something exciting happens?
It depends what is happening but the most of time I am alone
22. The first thing I do every morning?
23. The first thing I do when I get home?
Take a bath
24. The first time you ever got drunk?
I was 12 with aperitives on my sister wedding 😎
25. My first time on a plane?
I plan it for this year - Cuba libre.