the other nite i had a few minutes before i had to leave for work so i decided to take a look at some of the new SG sets. after looking at josie's newest set rent i walked out to find a "notice of termination of tenancy" on my door and we have to be out by feb. 1st. i thought it was pretty ironic (i hope i didn't use that like alanis morrisette). it's not a real eviction, which is good, but it still sucks. the good thing is i talked to my aunt and she is going to look for a place downtown and let me, cindy and the kids stay at her place in mission valley for cheap, so maybe it was a blessing in disguise.
also, gogol bordello rocks.
also, gogol bordello rocks.
id say thats ironic. good luck on the move.

I guess irony is the theme of the day ! I was prompted to check out your profile after responding to your post about INR NRG and saw that you got a similar note to the one theu got downstairs . . . his was a " 3 day pay up or leave " notice . I guess he decided to leave in the end . . .