I was helping a friend move and there was a wedding going on across the street. Its weird to be old enough that going to friend's weddings is something that will occupy more and more of my time. In the book post secret there were a large number of post secret posts devoted to people being concerned they'd never get married. Which is weird because...
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hi baby! Thank you very much! With his video I could be able extract like the DNA of strawberrys in house

I think that guy nikonphoto80 has his SG blog shit together. I wish I were that consistent with posts. le sigh

my twin brother is in from sunny LA. Mothers lock up your daughters.
Almost got hit by a car while biking home
I won't be getting to sleep for a good long while until the adrenaline peters out.

Ok I admit my page has been sort of dull. So I've updated with some photos. Enjoy!

Yay magic couch!
Good god that was a horrible shade of green haha.

Good god that was a horrible shade of green haha.
Now update with blinkies and I will be satisfied.