Another non-exciting day
!...Let me vent really quick about my overbearing father!.... I'm 25 years old and he treats me like I'm 5 years old.
..... That is why I am going to marry a nice irshman, no disrespect to all the Italian boys out there!.... My bro and pops put a bad taste in mouth when it comes to Italian Males!!!! Don't get me wrong I love my Meatballs and Spaghetti blood, but there are some things that are just plain shitty!....
Ok I Feel Better Now!
Hope everyone had a good day!
Hey louisthunter
So how much longer are you going to last?

Ok I Feel Better Now!
Hope everyone had a good day!
Hey louisthunter
So how much longer are you going to last?

Until I'm thin, at least. Let me know when you guys get that new house, then we'll talk.

It was all airbrushed background work i had done, so i won't know how effective the stone look is until it heals. It's scabby as fuck at the moment