I have just cancelled my membership. I won't be a member in less than 24 hours. I feel like the quality of the sets has decreased. A recent set was shot with a very dirty lens.. honestly it should have never gone up. ALSO I disagree with their recent self-censorship.. I think they are overreacting. I don't think the heat from the govt is enough...
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Aww, I hadn't even gotten the chance to say hi yet. :/
Wow, what a week. Working in Hollywood has many, many bad sides to it. However, this week, in addition to my normal plight as I work for the International Industrial Complex of Property Rights, I got to launch probably the best website I have ever produced, the first official John Lennon website.
is that a good thing: 'holy fuck?' 

Happy birthday!
I am excited to go to the Gary Baseman show in Pasadena on Thursday! www.garybaseman.com
Hi there, I just became the owner of the Entertainment Industry group. I was going through the pending applications and saw your name. Could you drop me a note and tell me a little about yourself and what you do?
nice bees- what did you shoot them with? 

bees and flowers
I recently took a trip to the west coast of Florida (YAY DALI MUSEUM) -- and took some shots of a storm coming in. They're in a pic folder called "Florida Storm Clouds"
Dali Museum *yay* I saw it in Mexico where there was no security and was tempted to steal parts of "Divine Comedy"

thank for the compliment- you seen pretty keen yerself! (Anyone who likes Miles Davis AND the Doves is my kinda folk!)
[Edited on Apr 13, 2005 8:28AM]
[Edited on Apr 13, 2005 8:28AM]
thanks for the comment on my set. i'm glad you enjoyed it

Three day weekend!
I have been practicing the bass by playing along to The Allman Brothers Band at Filmore East and The Moan by The Black Keys. Blues-based stuff can be fun sometimes.