i kick ass at final fantasy tactics...and i need to give my car a bath...and the only girl who i would have walked on fire for is pregnant and married(all of this has happened since the last time i spoke to her)...which means she will never be mine...but ive lost so many of the women in my life that im not surprised by this at all...i suppose its just a matter of time before i give up on relationships completely.
unfortunately, my set has nothing in it, apart from my body that resembles my projections pic. sorry to disappoint you.
my friend you mentionned will not ever be on SG because her boyfriend wouldn't let her, and she's used the word whore to describe SGs.. sooo ..
I don't have an answer to your question, maybe you should come visit and do some investigation
My pics will probably go up within the next month - here's to my naked ass!