All this fucked-uppedness...

I truely hope that the boost of NDP seats keep the Conservatives in check. Otherwise I might end up on some "list"... not good. I also lost the election pool. I gave the Bloc and the NDP too much credit, and the Grits not enough. Regardless... I did my duty, voted and it's all over now. Where do we go from here?...
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Well... it's been over a year. Much has changed, yet, not much has changed. Should I elaborate?

Naw. I'll just summarize;
the good
- got a kitten, got a cat.
- new job, better than the last. My income has doubled.
- I can dance, therefore, I can style the ladies. Kinda like being single.

the bad
- Band Officially broke up
- Friends Fiance...
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I surprise myself
having a conversation with you
you were besides yourself
but you have to admit it too
it's gone, it's gone
the flow between us
this shows, this show
can only demeans us

i feel ashamed of myself
for letting it go so long
how could something so good
slowly turn into something so wrong
we know, we know
we're both broken hearted...
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i think it sucks that we can't just blast our songs into the heads of the people we want to hear it.. i used to post lyrics in my journal but then i realized... no one can hear it the way i hear it.

Aaarrggghhgh... What's the deal here. I feel like I'm on a rollercoaster of emotion. Maybe this is what PMS is like. Hmmmm... on second though, Maybe it's the coffee. I got a raise today, and possibly landed a new client. I hate new country, but these guys are local and pretty level headed. I hope that I can make it work, it will translate into...
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Well well well. I had a (sorta) first date with the current and predominant crush last night. This is a girl who has seved my coffee for the past couple years or so, hell I even worked at the same place (night shifts, she was on days) and we never really hung out. So I call her up on a whim, out of the blue...
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So that's it then. We had our first practice in nearly 6 months and it went pretty well considering. I'm looking forward to the show on Thursday... I hope my fingers harden up by then. These blisters are crazy. I'm also hoping that EC takes me up on my offer. She's soooo cool. Really too cool... but look at me. I have a "neck tattoo"...
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i would die for a good lightning storm... i think i saw lightning once this year at my house... saw a beautiful one in utah though... great pic!!!
Man-hands / Bizarro Jerry is on. Great episode. Soooo... went on a blind date today... not bad, not great, not a lot in common. Funny how 2 people can work in the same industry and still have nothing to talk about. Hrmph. Not a big deal. I guess.

Illuminati and C'mon played last night at the Albert... fun night. Traded records with Ian Blurton. He's...
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Ah jeez. I did it. Have I done it? What have I done?

I hope I wasn't too much of a goofball tonight. Damn the intoxicating effects of intoxicants. I have 2 days to become interesting. Ha. Maybe I shouldn't think about it. I'm a tad nervous. I'm a tad giddy. I'm a tad...
