Here's the progress I've made with my anorexia 110lbs
I recently tried to taper down my lexapro because it was inducing mania (I'm bipolar) and it was the worst thing I've ever experienced in my life. I wrote about on my Instagram @heatherjoyness . I really wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Seizures, sweating, suicidal thoughts, couldn't get out of bed for a week, I could go on and on. I just wanted to say this because I know psychiatrists dole out these meds like they're candy for every ailment. If you're on antidepressants please be careful with tapering off them!
Anyhow this is a new piece I wrote via
Prologues are unfathomable to me. How do you introduce a life, an experience, a moment in time with a straight face? They are cumbersome to me because they imply their counterpart: epilogue: the end. There is no end while we still have a pulse to anything that transpires and even that is debatable.. Writing itself, is bizarre. How do you write 300 pages of a life trying to encapsulate the hum drum tediousness of an existence where you barely feel like getting out of bed for? How does one discern the important parts that relieve some magical healing road in which enlightenment begins? I’d rather just say this: I was born, I lived, I’ll die, and I did it in less than 700 characters
I've decided not to shoot for SG at the time being because of my eating disorder. I don't think it's the best thing for me right now.