i've been intentionally bad at life
7 hours of gluing and teasing new hair onto my head. it was worth it.

i'm extremely sick again with some type of lung infection. for now i heat up whiskey and mix it with honey and green tea. i need to take a break from traveling for a while. all the up and down up and down strange cities germs is starting to really effect my health. i need to live a normal life for a few months.
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here's some lolz the other day i googling something and i randomly stumbled across this post i made on this goth message board in 1997. i was like- shit! this still exists. so i logged into my old account and found all these old messages from my super cool internet boyfriend from when i was like 12. so funny. it's so weird though how really leave traces of yourself on the web. i wouldn't let anyone photograph me from when i was about 11 to 19 so i have no photographic archive of myself then. but i had amazing permed AND crimped red hair -and wore yellow eyeshadow ew. i still wear these black jeans i've had since then and people stop me all the time and ask me where i got them. im like Delias yo! who else remembers Delias? i used to be so obsessed with everything in that catalog in the 90s.
things that are keeping me entertained while im sick
7 hours of gluing and teasing new hair onto my head. it was worth it.

i'm extremely sick again with some type of lung infection. for now i heat up whiskey and mix it with honey and green tea. i need to take a break from traveling for a while. all the up and down up and down strange cities germs is starting to really effect my health. i need to live a normal life for a few months.
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here's some lolz the other day i googling something and i randomly stumbled across this post i made on this goth message board in 1997. i was like- shit! this still exists. so i logged into my old account and found all these old messages from my super cool internet boyfriend from when i was like 12. so funny. it's so weird though how really leave traces of yourself on the web. i wouldn't let anyone photograph me from when i was about 11 to 19 so i have no photographic archive of myself then. but i had amazing permed AND crimped red hair -and wore yellow eyeshadow ew. i still wear these black jeans i've had since then and people stop me all the time and ask me where i got them. im like Delias yo! who else remembers Delias? i used to be so obsessed with everything in that catalog in the 90s.
things that are keeping me entertained while im sick
i caved and got a twitter
i need to shower and rescue someone that doesn't want to be rescued.
did you know nikki reed, one of the teen actor wrote it?
b. delias is the bomb. my second fave pair of jeans are delias, though we had a store out here that i got them from. of course, my first faves are perfectly beaten down mudd jeans that i only take out for special occasions, like chinese take out or playing with the dogs