So here's the scoop:
- Yes, it's true. I'm going camping. Too early in the morning for me to comment on it, but i'm just putting it out there for the curious.
- I still have not taken my Funeral Service Psychology & Counseling final. There were some technical errors with my proctoring device and my professor who decided not to check his email until 5:00 pm yesterday. But i am allowed to take it once the issue has been resolved. But at this point, i dont think it will be, considering all i went through to fix it. So i'm hoping there's another option. This could not have happen at a worse time. Every single weekend of this month (it's August, WOOO!) i have something going on, so it makes my options very slim. Bummer.
- Going to the beach for the first time this season! Also for the first time ever with my new eyes. Truly, this is a big deal. For anyone as blind as a bat as i was, having to have someone walk you down to the shore, or not being able to see that huge wave coming your way because its a poor choice to wear your glasses or contacts is going to be ridiculous. Plus, i actually look really cute in my new swim suit. Maybe i'll bring it to camping after all
That's the gist of it really. I should be going, i'm meeting Jay and LeMuse at double d to catch up while they're in town
You get lasik or something?
I had it done too, blind as fuck in both eyes before, blind as fuck in 1 eye after lol My doctor was a dumbass.