So yesterday my sister accidentally let the cat out of our upstairs apartment and he made it downstairs and launched himself into the tree. needless to one was happy about that. So instead of taking him to the shelter monday, i called and they took him last night. It's a really nice place, once they're up to date on everything they get free run of the place, so they're not cooped up in crates until bed time and you can better get to know them and their personalities. All volunteer, no kill and they stay there until a home is found for them. naturally he didn't take the ride well and didnt make it easy when we got there but he quickly made a little friend in the common area. I think next week or so i'll go to see how he's doing. I'm hoping someone picks him up soon, he was so cute and sweet he deserves a good home. Never did decide on a name, not sure what name they're gonna give him but i have a feeling crybaby may be it. because thats what he does.
After that i was kinda bummed for the rest of the night. Has some uber realistic and yet over the top dreams last night. Left me all disoriented and shit this morning. But once i finally got into a good groove and woke up on the drive in, i'm feeling pretty good about a few things. Like a huge amount of baggage has been dropped. Not because of the kitten, i just mean in general. Kinda like when you were little and your parents made you "sweat out" a fever (which you shouldn't do, thats actually dangerous), you suffer for a bit and then boom. you're ok. And i'm really glad i finally sweated all that shit out.
If anyone wants to take a trip into the city with me Sunday or early next week, let me know!
After that i was kinda bummed for the rest of the night. Has some uber realistic and yet over the top dreams last night. Left me all disoriented and shit this morning. But once i finally got into a good groove and woke up on the drive in, i'm feeling pretty good about a few things. Like a huge amount of baggage has been dropped. Not because of the kitten, i just mean in general. Kinda like when you were little and your parents made you "sweat out" a fever (which you shouldn't do, thats actually dangerous), you suffer for a bit and then boom. you're ok. And i'm really glad i finally sweated all that shit out.
If anyone wants to take a trip into the city with me Sunday or early next week, let me know!