There are buckets of jobs here in the 10ish range. They are avalible becuase most people here cant pass a piss test, and most who can already left town or have a job. Hence some of the cheepest real estate prices in the country.
i once had a job that wrote me up for missing too much after id spent a week in intensive care (my mother was fighting to survive a burst anyeurism)....i currently make close to 11 an hour, and i have to deal with a bunch of hippocrits. its all heavy manual labor. which is why im trying to get my ass in gear, and back in school. companies dont value their employees anymore. did i mention i had worked for the before mentioned place for almost 7 yrs and had missed only 2 days!!!....i was the one in intensive care then. the point of all this being....i support YOU in this. take care of YOU. right now my sincerest wish is that you feel better.