I want extentions...does anyone know where i can get them done around here?
i have the money to do so.
I think I need a new hairstyle too...
long hair with layers?
new hair color??
no matter what my hair stays long
i just want a different hair cut/ hair color
im tired of my fukt up mermaid hair
my current hair:

and i want a fucken tan too!!!!
ive been curling my hair so its wavy
when i go to work but by the end of the day the curls fade and its just the tips
anyone also got good hair styling tips?
kobey gave me great advice, blowdrying my hair upside down to add volume. it works!
ps im still waiting to see if they accept my new set that Brooklyn sent in...keep your fingers crossed! ox
i have the money to do so.
I think I need a new hairstyle too...
long hair with layers?
new hair color??
no matter what my hair stays long
i just want a different hair cut/ hair color
im tired of my fukt up mermaid hair
my current hair:

and i want a fucken tan too!!!!

ive been curling my hair so its wavy
when i go to work but by the end of the day the curls fade and its just the tips
anyone also got good hair styling tips?
kobey gave me great advice, blowdrying my hair upside down to add volume. it works!
ps im still waiting to see if they accept my new set that Brooklyn sent in...keep your fingers crossed! ox
love your bum!!!
i hope it 'll be accepted!!!please!!!