Okay, I haven't written in forever...that's so unspiffy of me. What can I say? I've never been this fucking happy in my life!! I haven't had time to be on the computer because of my new job and Mike. Those are good reasons, though.
I just love, love, love my new job. The people are great, it's so relaxed and laid back, I get to help other people, yay!
Mike and I are doing deliciously fabulous.
Since I"ve been spending most of my time during the week at my dad's, Mike and I spend every waking moment together on the weekends.
Yesterday, we just decided to relax after drinking obscene amounts of alcohol all weekend. He came over, we watched The Shining for the 100th time, played a great round of "Scrabble", and snuggled on the couch.
Ahhhh....to be in love. Ain't it the greatest???
Has anyone seen the movie, House of Wax? The best part is when Paris Hilton gets javelined through the forehead by a steel pipe. Guess you aren't supposed to laugh in the movies when people die, but that was the best shit I"ve seen in a long time. Man, I can't stand her.

I just love, love, love my new job. The people are great, it's so relaxed and laid back, I get to help other people, yay!
Mike and I are doing deliciously fabulous.

Since I"ve been spending most of my time during the week at my dad's, Mike and I spend every waking moment together on the weekends.
Yesterday, we just decided to relax after drinking obscene amounts of alcohol all weekend. He came over, we watched The Shining for the 100th time, played a great round of "Scrabble", and snuggled on the couch.
Ahhhh....to be in love. Ain't it the greatest???

Has anyone seen the movie, House of Wax? The best part is when Paris Hilton gets javelined through the forehead by a steel pipe. Guess you aren't supposed to laugh in the movies when people die, but that was the best shit I"ve seen in a long time. Man, I can't stand her.
Yes, mind-bogglingly busy. I'll be updating sometime this weekend, but I've got about 15K words to write between now and Monday.