Hey y'all....I am turning off the cable and internet tomorrow sometime, don't know for sure when. I'll be able to use the internet at my dad's but getting on this site might be more sporadic over the next couple of weeks. So, any of y'all feel free to email me. I think you just hit that contact button and it goes to my email.
If anyone has yahoo chat, my name on there is suckalisa.
I hope everyone is doing well.
Does anyone else think sometimes it would be neat to hang out with other folks on your friends lists? I do.
Not much left to do today. I'm done packing, so I just need to get everything I can downstairs. I've got the sedatives for the kitties. I know they are not gonna be happy when they find out they have to do the 20 hr car ride again. Honey, on the other hand, will be fucking thrilled.
That's one of those rare times I wish I could just whisper to my boys, "now it's gonna be okay, no more worries" and they'd understand. I think in their kitty way, they do. Jackson, especially, since we have that weird connection thing going on.
Anyway, I'll be around all day. Gimme a shout if you want on here, email, or on chat.
If anyone has yahoo chat, my name on there is suckalisa.
I hope everyone is doing well.
Does anyone else think sometimes it would be neat to hang out with other folks on your friends lists? I do.
Not much left to do today. I'm done packing, so I just need to get everything I can downstairs. I've got the sedatives for the kitties. I know they are not gonna be happy when they find out they have to do the 20 hr car ride again. Honey, on the other hand, will be fucking thrilled.

Anyway, I'll be around all day. Gimme a shout if you want on here, email, or on chat.
There's no harm in gently telling them and it might make you feel good too.
There are 9 people on my friends list who live in Seattle so I'm lucky to get to know them. But you and Misery I would love to meet. Come to Seattle one day. It's the exact opposite of Ohio I think.
But I'm so glad the day is finally here! I'll keep you updated on crazy nonesense and you need to let me know how the drive went (yuck!).
Bigcat.org is so awesome! I'm adding them to my bookmarks along with all the other animal rescue sites. It that place far from where you live?
I must tour there one day!
Hope the trip home goes well and the kitties don't freak out.
Dogs love any type of car ride. he he
Well, not the vets.