Okay, anyone who is interested in reading a long ass vent and then taking a poll afterward....keep reading.
I am broke as fuck, I had to reschedule an interview today for tomorrow because I didn't have enough gas in my car to get me there and no money. Great. So, I go tomorrow.
On Saturday, granny told me the washing machine was broke, a clog in the line, she was gonna have Danny look at it. K. No problem. So laundry has piled up for 2 days.
The first thing he says to me is...the mother fuckin washer isn't broke. I said, ooookay. Well, that's what your grandma said. He said, this is what I am talking about....alll this fucking ignorance around here. You could have checked the dial to see it was just low water level. Hmmm....yeah, guess I would have done that had granny not said it was already broke. (By the way, thanks for calling me ignorant.)
I'm pissed, so I go upstairs.
He comes up moments later, and I said, I know that you hate talkiing about anything, and there's never a good time, so can we talk about some stuff? He obviously didn't want to, but he stood there in the doorway.
I said, first of all, don't ever call me ignorant again. He said he didn't. Fine.
Then I said I don't know why you moved me 1300 miles away from everything I love, if you aren't going to treat me like your lover and friend. He's like, what do you mean? I'm like, come on man, we never never talk unless we are out, which isn't often, ummm lack of sex, snuggling, kissing, etc...
When I brought up the budget and I figured out a way to make it work, he said he didn't really care. And I said, oh, that's right, I forgot, you told me it was YOUR money. I said, Danny, I thought we were a team. He said fine, you're on the mother fucking team then. Mmmmm, that sure makes me feel the spirit!
So then I was like, I don't really know why I'm here. I could have been this lonely at home.
And he was like, I'm hungry and since you didn't make dinner, and I haven't eaten all day, I'm going downstairs to make it myself. (I never make dinner on Mondays, because we always go out, tonight being the exception)
So, I said that, and he was like, when was the last time you made dinner? I said, well, that would be Thursday. Friday, I was sick in bed, Saturday, you came home drunk as fuck and passed out on the couch, and Sunday, your grand ma acted like she was gonna make it. He said, well, I made it. All I want is if you aren't working, then you could at least have the laundry done and dinner ready.
Let's get one thing clear here, follks. I ALWAYS DO THE LAUNDRY AND COOK. NOONE and I mean, no one else in this house chips in and helps with that. So, I don't for 2 days and the world ends.
Anyway, I said don't walk away from me, we really need to get this straight. And he yells and says I'm done talking. I said don't yell at me, and he yellled and said you always think people are yelling at you! Walks out of the bedroom.
I went and got gas, came back, said can we finish talking upstairs privately? He's like, dinner's almost ready.
I haven't had sex since Wednesday, and I don't know if that even counts, I was sober he was a lame drunk, I haven't had a decent face to face conversation with someone in so long, I can't remember. I've cried plenty since I've been here, but I haven't had one of those great, I love you, it's gonna be okay hugs when you are crying probably since I moved, and that was from my sister.
I'm tired of typing.... I could go on and on.
Here is the poll for today:
Should I stay, see how it goes a little longer or bail?
And the ten million dolllar question is: why the fuck am I here? Why did he move me so far away if he doesn't reallly give a shit?
Hugs and kisses.
I'm gonna go feel sorry for myself.

I am broke as fuck, I had to reschedule an interview today for tomorrow because I didn't have enough gas in my car to get me there and no money. Great. So, I go tomorrow.
On Saturday, granny told me the washing machine was broke, a clog in the line, she was gonna have Danny look at it. K. No problem. So laundry has piled up for 2 days.
The first thing he says to me is...the mother fuckin washer isn't broke. I said, ooookay. Well, that's what your grandma said. He said, this is what I am talking about....alll this fucking ignorance around here. You could have checked the dial to see it was just low water level. Hmmm....yeah, guess I would have done that had granny not said it was already broke. (By the way, thanks for calling me ignorant.)
I'm pissed, so I go upstairs.
He comes up moments later, and I said, I know that you hate talkiing about anything, and there's never a good time, so can we talk about some stuff? He obviously didn't want to, but he stood there in the doorway.
I said, first of all, don't ever call me ignorant again. He said he didn't. Fine.
Then I said I don't know why you moved me 1300 miles away from everything I love, if you aren't going to treat me like your lover and friend. He's like, what do you mean? I'm like, come on man, we never never talk unless we are out, which isn't often, ummm lack of sex, snuggling, kissing, etc...
When I brought up the budget and I figured out a way to make it work, he said he didn't really care. And I said, oh, that's right, I forgot, you told me it was YOUR money. I said, Danny, I thought we were a team. He said fine, you're on the mother fucking team then. Mmmmm, that sure makes me feel the spirit!

So then I was like, I don't really know why I'm here. I could have been this lonely at home.
And he was like, I'm hungry and since you didn't make dinner, and I haven't eaten all day, I'm going downstairs to make it myself. (I never make dinner on Mondays, because we always go out, tonight being the exception)
So, I said that, and he was like, when was the last time you made dinner? I said, well, that would be Thursday. Friday, I was sick in bed, Saturday, you came home drunk as fuck and passed out on the couch, and Sunday, your grand ma acted like she was gonna make it. He said, well, I made it. All I want is if you aren't working, then you could at least have the laundry done and dinner ready.

Let's get one thing clear here, follks. I ALWAYS DO THE LAUNDRY AND COOK. NOONE and I mean, no one else in this house chips in and helps with that. So, I don't for 2 days and the world ends.
Anyway, I said don't walk away from me, we really need to get this straight. And he yells and says I'm done talking. I said don't yell at me, and he yellled and said you always think people are yelling at you! Walks out of the bedroom.
I went and got gas, came back, said can we finish talking upstairs privately? He's like, dinner's almost ready.
I haven't had sex since Wednesday, and I don't know if that even counts, I was sober he was a lame drunk, I haven't had a decent face to face conversation with someone in so long, I can't remember. I've cried plenty since I've been here, but I haven't had one of those great, I love you, it's gonna be okay hugs when you are crying probably since I moved, and that was from my sister.
I'm tired of typing.... I could go on and on.
Here is the poll for today:
Should I stay, see how it goes a little longer or bail?
And the ten million dolllar question is: why the fuck am I here? Why did he move me so far away if he doesn't reallly give a shit?
Hugs and kisses.
I'm gonna go feel sorry for myself.

Left there for work, and my folks are here, too. Sounds like you left for a man. Dangerous business, that.