Monday May 16, 2005 May 16, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email What am I doing...really???? VIEW 5 of 5 COMMENTS kail: Yes, I'm feeling better this week. I've got a lot of deadlines so I'm busy. Yes, I understand the attachment to your cats. I feel the same way. What are your rates for writing/editing? What projects have you worked on in the past? Technical writing? Copywriting? Books? May 17, 2005 lankakitten: I don't know anything else in the world that's as important and fantastic as the beautiful kitties. That's the most wonderful thing I've ever read in my life! May 17, 2005
Yes, I understand the attachment to your cats. I feel the same way.
What are your rates for writing/editing? What projects have you worked on in the past? Technical writing? Copywriting? Books?
I don't know anything else in the world that's as important and fantastic as the beautiful kitties.
That's the most wonderful thing I've ever read in my life!