Shitty day so far...grandma yelled at me this morning.
Anyone who knows me knows I hate, absolutely loathe yelling. I think it is disrespectful, impolite, and just plain mean. When someone starts yelling at me, all the info begins to go in one ear and out the other. Anything I may have considered goes out the window and in comes I don't give a shit attitude.
On a more positive note, I met some of Danny's friends this weekend that were really nice. After three weeks, I finally had a face to face conversation with another female. Don't get me wrong, most of my friends are guys and I like it that way, but sometimes even I want to talk about shoes.
Danny is taking me to the drag races next month...I am so excited about that.
I sure fucking miss Texas.

On a more positive note, I met some of Danny's friends this weekend that were really nice. After three weeks, I finally had a face to face conversation with another female. Don't get me wrong, most of my friends are guys and I like it that way, but sometimes even I want to talk about shoes.

Danny is taking me to the drag races next month...I am so excited about that.
I sure fucking miss Texas.
Yeah I love Dean Koontz. I actually haven't read much of his stuff. I've been trying to go all over the place with my reading. He should be one of my next books to read.