I had a very nice evening last night.
We ate chinese and hung out watching tv. Just being able to relax and spend time with him means a lot. We don't get to do that all that often.
But then I think...
What is wrong with me?? Have you ever wanted to have sex with someone for more reasons than to just get off? Closnees, perhaps? Hell, to have that moment carry on with you the next day while you are at work so you can feel dreamy? (yes i am sappy)
I've never spent this much time with someone without even fooling around. Sex would be great, yes, but I'm willing to settle for copping a feel at this point. I know, I know, I'm trying to be patient, but it really does something to your emotions.
I guess it's because everytime I see him or am around him, I want to rip his clothes off and slather him with kisses. Is that so wrong?
I am well aware that I wear rose colored glasses and everyday should be running through fields of dasies...I know it doesn't really happen, but it's what's kept me going the last 28 years.
When I truly, truly care for someone, I want to show it. To scream it from the mountain tops.
You know, act on those butterflies. They don't like it when you hold them in.
I feel fat and boring and lame.
Guess I can stop shaving so I can get that wax job.
We ate chinese and hung out watching tv. Just being able to relax and spend time with him means a lot. We don't get to do that all that often.
But then I think...
What is wrong with me?? Have you ever wanted to have sex with someone for more reasons than to just get off? Closnees, perhaps? Hell, to have that moment carry on with you the next day while you are at work so you can feel dreamy? (yes i am sappy)
I've never spent this much time with someone without even fooling around. Sex would be great, yes, but I'm willing to settle for copping a feel at this point. I know, I know, I'm trying to be patient, but it really does something to your emotions.
I guess it's because everytime I see him or am around him, I want to rip his clothes off and slather him with kisses. Is that so wrong?
I am well aware that I wear rose colored glasses and everyday should be running through fields of dasies...I know it doesn't really happen, but it's what's kept me going the last 28 years.
When I truly, truly care for someone, I want to show it. To scream it from the mountain tops.
You know, act on those butterflies. They don't like it when you hold them in.
I feel fat and boring and lame.
Guess I can stop shaving so I can get that wax job.

Did you say wax?
Hey if you want to model for the Lady Luck project,that's cool. Just send me a pic in that pose, with sort of a mock up of the outfit. I won't be getting around to drawing it until maybe a month or so down the road so there's no hurry.