With all the site updates, my computer just isn't compatible with most of it. I have to switch between Mozilla and IE just to read and post. That is obviously frustrating.
Too, I'm just not online enough anymore.
Anyway, whoever has my email can email me at home. I don't mind that at all.
TGIF...it was great seeing you and the new man Tues night...he seems pretty cool! Hope to see you tomorrow....we are going to that ren. fair thingy, but maybe we might be able to stop by afterwards or something....hope you guys have a great time tomorrow!
Well, me and Cicatrix had a drunken blast at Luckenbach and Fredericksburg. Definetely see more road trips with her in the future.
Jack Ingram was a hottie in person. That was the best place to go see a concert. Next time a few days will have to be spent there.
Sick of work and my love life is basically me spooning my dog, Honey as... Read More