I have a hard time entertaining fantasies about being animals anymore; they seem to always be getting killed by humans, or other animals. I feel bad about the increased amount of human-dumped crap whales have to swim around in.
I'm a paying member of an environmental group, NRDC. They recently stopped the Navy (temporarily) from bombarding the ocean with high-powered low-frequency sound waves. Why did the Navy wanna do this? They dunno; seemed like a good experiment. NRDC realized this would probably seriously fuck whales's minds and stopped it...like I said, at least for now.
I'm a paying member of an environmental group, NRDC. They recently stopped the Navy (temporarily) from bombarding the ocean with high-powered low-frequency sound waves. Why did the Navy wanna do this? They dunno; seemed like a good experiment. NRDC realized this would probably seriously fuck whales's minds and stopped it...like I said, at least for now.