I fixed her!!!
I took apart my NES and fiddled with the insides, and she's working again! I am an evil geeking genius. To be honest, it was just the connection pins inside. Bent back into cartridge gripping shape!

Topless, but just as sexy as ever!

I've been playing Mario Bros. 3 for hours!!!
My thumbs hurt.
x D x
I took apart my NES and fiddled with the insides, and she's working again! I am an evil geeking genius. To be honest, it was just the connection pins inside. Bent back into cartridge gripping shape!

Topless, but just as sexy as ever!

I've been playing Mario Bros. 3 for hours!!!
My thumbs hurt.

x D x
Oh yeah and on my birthday (22nd May) we're all going to see the new Indiana Jones film!!!