Goddamn, I'm fucking tired. I slept til after 4 today, and started work at 5. Finished at 9, and went home, had pizza and played my guitars. Felt like i hadn't played them for soooo long. Probably because I hadn't properly played (i.e. played and sang, or shredded) since I got back from Download. Feel good now. Need new strings for guitars.
In other news, the Tattooed Millionaires gig in london was awesome, the guys are really great and invited us to the aftershow party. LA rockstars know how to have a good time! Haha. Going to Edinburgh to see them on monday, regardless of what my work says I can and can't do. Fuck them.
London was fun, I bought some cool shit, namely a durable plastic vodka bottle to practice my bartender-style bottle manipulations, a rediculously tight TM tshirt (think "Kenni" tight) that I don't look as bad in as i thought I would, a re-god-damn-diculously glam belt to go with my "Rock Star" bottle opener/belt buckle, and some awesome aromatic tea for when i want to unwind. And it's working quite well.
Good ol' Dorian is happy, more content than usual, relaxed and ready to enjoy life for a while. And I get paid tomorrow, too. Things are looking up!
Pics from Download '06:
If you look closely, I'm wearing my black and silver SG shirt, and a cowboy hat:

Spontaneous "Metal" faces after Lordi, and during Guns 'n' Roses:

The "Jager Crue" (check out the reflection in my glasses):

Puppy looking forlorn in the rain (smell of wet dog not included):

And last but not least, me in a coat that I didn't buy:

Ok, so the damn browser cuts them off on the right hand side, check my pics folders for the full shots.
Goddamn, I'm fucking tired. I slept til after 4 today, and started work at 5. Finished at 9, and went home, had pizza and played my guitars. Felt like i hadn't played them for soooo long. Probably because I hadn't properly played (i.e. played and sang, or shredded) since I got back from Download. Feel good now. Need new strings for guitars.
In other news, the Tattooed Millionaires gig in london was awesome, the guys are really great and invited us to the aftershow party. LA rockstars know how to have a good time! Haha. Going to Edinburgh to see them on monday, regardless of what my work says I can and can't do. Fuck them.
London was fun, I bought some cool shit, namely a durable plastic vodka bottle to practice my bartender-style bottle manipulations, a rediculously tight TM tshirt (think "Kenni" tight) that I don't look as bad in as i thought I would, a re-god-damn-diculously glam belt to go with my "Rock Star" bottle opener/belt buckle, and some awesome aromatic tea for when i want to unwind. And it's working quite well.
Good ol' Dorian is happy, more content than usual, relaxed and ready to enjoy life for a while. And I get paid tomorrow, too. Things are looking up!
Pics from Download '06:
If you look closely, I'm wearing my black and silver SG shirt, and a cowboy hat:

Spontaneous "Metal" faces after Lordi, and during Guns 'n' Roses:

The "Jager Crue" (check out the reflection in my glasses):

Puppy looking forlorn in the rain (smell of wet dog not included):

And last but not least, me in a coat that I didn't buy:

Ok, so the damn browser cuts them off on the right hand side, check my pics folders for the full shots.
Puppy looks so sad, bless him, give him a hug from me.. doubt he'll remember me though haha.
How've you been? x