Hit a really bad downer today. I can't thing about anything for very long, my mind's jumping around like crazy and it won't stop. Went out with Naughty_Firefly and Punk_Pin_Up last night, promised to show them around the best pubs in Glasgow. Met in the solid, had a few drinks, then went to Rufus, and Kenni joined us. Everything was going great, we were getting on really well, and we went to the Catty, and cos Kenni works there, we got in for free. Suffice to say, the music, the atmosphere and therefore the mood was terrible. All conversation was drowned out by the music, and the music was terrible. I felt like I totally let them down. But hey, we had an awesome time until then. You gals are great! Sorry about the Catty.
I've had people point things out about me over the last few days that have really come down on me. My confidence has really take a knock over the past two weeks, I'm never truly happy unless I have no clue what's going on, that is, I hate to let things be safe. I like to take risks, and hate things to get stagnant. That's probably why I hate Sainsburys so much (been working there for nearly 2 years now). All this had led me to think about myself again, and that maybe I'm not who i think i am. I know that under the confidence and happy spirit that people see me as, I'm still the little boy that I hated being years ago. I know this because the confidence I had has just vanished over the last week, most of all after I got back from Download. The festival was somewhere i could totally have fun and enjoy myself, and the return to normality has brought bad feelings, bad vibes and just generally feeling crap.
To try and cheer myself up, here's some pics from last night (girls, feel free to retaliate with stupid pics of me and Kenni!)

Me and the awesome Punk_Pin_Up

The notorious Kenni Black!
I've had people point things out about me over the last few days that have really come down on me. My confidence has really take a knock over the past two weeks, I'm never truly happy unless I have no clue what's going on, that is, I hate to let things be safe. I like to take risks, and hate things to get stagnant. That's probably why I hate Sainsburys so much (been working there for nearly 2 years now). All this had led me to think about myself again, and that maybe I'm not who i think i am. I know that under the confidence and happy spirit that people see me as, I'm still the little boy that I hated being years ago. I know this because the confidence I had has just vanished over the last week, most of all after I got back from Download. The festival was somewhere i could totally have fun and enjoy myself, and the return to normality has brought bad feelings, bad vibes and just generally feeling crap.
To try and cheer myself up, here's some pics from last night (girls, feel free to retaliate with stupid pics of me and Kenni!)

Me and the awesome Punk_Pin_Up

The notorious Kenni Black!
There's always hope and if that fails, lots more alcohol!