My rant about the "Guy going through the front window of Solid Rock" incident, in comments on other's blogs:
"I later found out that the dude didn't go through the window, he just ran up the slope outside and cracked his head off it. Which left me thinking:
1. It was a fucking heavy window, dude. Running through it seems more plausible, from any direction. From inside is easier, since from outside, you need to go up a slope.
2. This new info was from someone who wasn't there, even though I was STANDING BESIDE THE FUCKING WINDOW AT THE TIME!!!
3. This info was from the hot barmaid at Rufus T's the next day, who I'm sure doesn't like me anyway. And she's hot, so who am I to disagree with what she says, even though my evidence while purely circumstantial, heavily outweighs hers? Dammit, rant over. She's probably right anyway."
So, there's what happened there. I was working as the Jager Stag, chatting hot people up, as usual (god, I have to stop flirting with sooo many people, I can't help it, even if I'm convinced it's not going to lead anywhere because it's me... it's just the way I am. Plus it helps sell Jager. So it's completely innocent.) when something happens, I turn round, and the fucking window with the big War Of The Worlds alien ship thing on it that's chasing Kiss (who are painted on the other window) just explodes! So all I see is this guy rolling down the slope outside, I put two and two together, and.... well, you get the idea. At least Kiss are safe from the wrath of the alien overlords.
So the next day me and Yaz are going for money before lunch at Rufus T's when we spot Linde (the guitarist from HIM for all you uneducated people) wandering, and I do mean wandering, around Sauchiehall street with his hands in his pockets and shopping at Sainsbury's. Things were signed and then back to Rufus.
So we're having lunch (for me it was breakfast, at 3pm, as it always is when it's "lunch at Rufus") and when we're ordering, the hot barmaid that Matt likes offers evidence on the above subject of the incident at the Solid contrary to a pretty much eyewitness account. I don't think she likes me much. I can see her thinking "silly little boy" whenever she has to look at me. Damn my complexes. She also chanted in a playground fashion that I was "beaten by the burger", implying that I had difficulty demolishing the Scooby Snax burger that I had ordered. I countered with "Do you have any idea how many of these I've eaten this week?". That shut her up. Smug hot girl.
Anyway, The HIM gig was awesome. They played pretty much everything, songs from all the albums, (actually, don't remember anything from Deep Shadows... answers in comments if I'm wrong) Valo was seriously inebriated, and wouldn't leave the stage until everyone in the crowd was chanting the words "Black!" and "Sabbath!" over and over again, because we all know that metal wouldn't be here today without the mighty Sabbath. Oh yes. But it was still the best I've seen them play in 6 years. I love being a long-time fan, rather than these little emo fucks that follow them around, don't notice that the fucking guitarist has just walked past them in the street, and instead comment on how tall that guy is, and then whine about how Ville stole the Heartagram symbol from Bam. God, how I want to kick them to death.
Anathema were fucking good also, atmospheric rawk. 'Twas good.
I love the way the really ranty parts in this rant are written in a "full-on fucking Tommy Lee style, bro!" Anyone who has read "The Dirt" will know what I'm talking about. Haha.
"I later found out that the dude didn't go through the window, he just ran up the slope outside and cracked his head off it. Which left me thinking:
1. It was a fucking heavy window, dude. Running through it seems more plausible, from any direction. From inside is easier, since from outside, you need to go up a slope.
2. This new info was from someone who wasn't there, even though I was STANDING BESIDE THE FUCKING WINDOW AT THE TIME!!!
3. This info was from the hot barmaid at Rufus T's the next day, who I'm sure doesn't like me anyway. And she's hot, so who am I to disagree with what she says, even though my evidence while purely circumstantial, heavily outweighs hers? Dammit, rant over. She's probably right anyway."
So, there's what happened there. I was working as the Jager Stag, chatting hot people up, as usual (god, I have to stop flirting with sooo many people, I can't help it, even if I'm convinced it's not going to lead anywhere because it's me... it's just the way I am. Plus it helps sell Jager. So it's completely innocent.) when something happens, I turn round, and the fucking window with the big War Of The Worlds alien ship thing on it that's chasing Kiss (who are painted on the other window) just explodes! So all I see is this guy rolling down the slope outside, I put two and two together, and.... well, you get the idea. At least Kiss are safe from the wrath of the alien overlords.
So the next day me and Yaz are going for money before lunch at Rufus T's when we spot Linde (the guitarist from HIM for all you uneducated people) wandering, and I do mean wandering, around Sauchiehall street with his hands in his pockets and shopping at Sainsbury's. Things were signed and then back to Rufus.
So we're having lunch (for me it was breakfast, at 3pm, as it always is when it's "lunch at Rufus") and when we're ordering, the hot barmaid that Matt likes offers evidence on the above subject of the incident at the Solid contrary to a pretty much eyewitness account. I don't think she likes me much. I can see her thinking "silly little boy" whenever she has to look at me. Damn my complexes. She also chanted in a playground fashion that I was "beaten by the burger", implying that I had difficulty demolishing the Scooby Snax burger that I had ordered. I countered with "Do you have any idea how many of these I've eaten this week?". That shut her up. Smug hot girl.
Anyway, The HIM gig was awesome. They played pretty much everything, songs from all the albums, (actually, don't remember anything from Deep Shadows... answers in comments if I'm wrong) Valo was seriously inebriated, and wouldn't leave the stage until everyone in the crowd was chanting the words "Black!" and "Sabbath!" over and over again, because we all know that metal wouldn't be here today without the mighty Sabbath. Oh yes. But it was still the best I've seen them play in 6 years. I love being a long-time fan, rather than these little emo fucks that follow them around, don't notice that the fucking guitarist has just walked past them in the street, and instead comment on how tall that guy is, and then whine about how Ville stole the Heartagram symbol from Bam. God, how I want to kick them to death.
Anathema were fucking good also, atmospheric rawk. 'Twas good.
I love the way the really ranty parts in this rant are written in a "full-on fucking Tommy Lee style, bro!" Anyone who has read "The Dirt" will know what I'm talking about. Haha.