Walking home in the torrential vertical downpour that is the beauty of Scotland at midnight is fantastic. With my hat keeping the rain off my face, and no wind blowing whatsoever, a thoroughly pleasant end to the shitfest that is Valentines day was had by Matt. Plus HiM on my iPod helped. Still couldn't stop thinking about my little "Poison Girl" though. I've decided it's time for an ultimatum. I need to get this finished once and for all.
I want her, and I know she wants me. Whether she wants to admit it enough for her to do something about it is her decision. We both know that we need each other to be happy, and that's that. I'm not going to let her regret another one of these "bad decisions" that she lets shape her life. Especially that not having me with her when she had the chance is (in her words) the biggest one of the lot.
Walking home with my shit camera phone:

I want her, and I know she wants me. Whether she wants to admit it enough for her to do something about it is her decision. We both know that we need each other to be happy, and that's that. I'm not going to let her regret another one of these "bad decisions" that she lets shape her life. Especially that not having me with her when she had the chance is (in her words) the biggest one of the lot.
Walking home with my shit camera phone:

It's worth keeping a pen and paper underneath your pillow to record them. I tend to find that if I think about them during the day before writing them down, I end up applying logic and structure on my dreams. Which is rather missing the point.