Ok, so for the last few days, my internet has not been working. So my university webmail has not been checked. Therefore, I did not know where to go today to enrol for subjects and uni modules OR whether they were actually enrolling today. So, I trooped around the uni campus, going to all the departments that I needed to go to, (Philosophy, Physics, Music, and damned if I know where the hell Slavonic Studies is being held) which took me three foot-swelling bloody hours to do, because the points on the map that the respective departments are on make a sodding huge triangle around campus. After all that time wasted (no, not "time, wasted", that will come tomorrow) here were the results:
1. Philosophy enrols tomorrow. (Gahh!)
2. I missed the ExCos 1Y enrolment by ten minutes and had to go from the obscure part of the Kelvin building to the Physics labs to enrol LATE.
3. Found out I didn't need to enrol for music, because only one module has to be done this year, and I sat Philosophy of Music last semester.
4. Still can't find the arsing Slavonic Studies department.
On top of all that,
5. I STILL had to go to work tonight.
With the possible exception of (3), it has not been a good outcome. And I'm still pissed off that I got all worked up about having to enrol for music. Even though I found out I didn't have to bother (growl) and I'll only have one hour of music per week this semester. So I suppose it's not all bad.
The new hat is getting rave reviews, so I'm happy about that.
Met pretty much all my uni friends that I haven't seen since before the holidays. Everyone's doing fine, Kirsty went to France(?) and Stef pulled a 9 of Spades from my hat. I've missed that lot.
Been invited to Yazi's 19th birthday party in town on saturday, so that should be great fun. Lots of Jager!
Speaking of Jager, my Jager Dude interview is tomorrow, so all is fine. Apart from two muscles that I pulled today, one behind my left knee, and one on the top of my right foot. I now limp with each leg alternately, so it looks like I'm riding an imaginary bicycle or something. Bastards. Hope it's ok for tomorrow, lots of walking has to be done.
1. Philosophy enrols tomorrow. (Gahh!)
2. I missed the ExCos 1Y enrolment by ten minutes and had to go from the obscure part of the Kelvin building to the Physics labs to enrol LATE.
3. Found out I didn't need to enrol for music, because only one module has to be done this year, and I sat Philosophy of Music last semester.
4. Still can't find the arsing Slavonic Studies department.
On top of all that,
5. I STILL had to go to work tonight.
With the possible exception of (3), it has not been a good outcome. And I'm still pissed off that I got all worked up about having to enrol for music. Even though I found out I didn't have to bother (growl) and I'll only have one hour of music per week this semester. So I suppose it's not all bad.
The new hat is getting rave reviews, so I'm happy about that.
Met pretty much all my uni friends that I haven't seen since before the holidays. Everyone's doing fine, Kirsty went to France(?) and Stef pulled a 9 of Spades from my hat. I've missed that lot.
Been invited to Yazi's 19th birthday party in town on saturday, so that should be great fun. Lots of Jager!
Speaking of Jager, my Jager Dude interview is tomorrow, so all is fine. Apart from two muscles that I pulled today, one behind my left knee, and one on the top of my right foot. I now limp with each leg alternately, so it looks like I'm riding an imaginary bicycle or something. Bastards. Hope it's ok for tomorrow, lots of walking has to be done.
Slavonic Studies? Is that History, Culture or a bit of everything? Quite a long reaching study in anycase, my knowledge of it at the mo relates to it with relation to Europe and Byzantium around the Dark Ages/Medieval era