Well, I thought at long last, I'd found someone who was down to earth, mature, grown up and knew what she wanted in life.

A girl who realised that she was done with the assholes, and decided that nice guys don't have to finish last.

Maybe she needed a tiny little while to get into that mindset properly, but she was basically awesome.

I was...
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I hear you bro.
Damn, I never thought I'd see the day where someone took advice about girls from me tongue

Those patches are the shit. I can't be arsed hiding my interests anymore, you know? I posted about it on Alt Nation, about where I can find a place to get them sewn on, and the majority were really helpful, but your still get the arseholes "lol you like transformers", "lol, patches, are you 50?" blah blah blah. Fuck 'em. biggrin

No problem about the pic either wink
Ok, ok, so that last blog sounded a bit too angry. It wasn't meant to sound that angry.

I've slept, had a few days to think and I feel better. Exam stress is seriously hitting me hard, I suppose it's because if I get these two exams right, then I can finally graduate uni. There's a lot at stake here.

Sorry to Dixy if it...
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I don't rightly know if that's the correct terminology, but i've never been told someone wouldn't want to miff me off. I'm quite offended. Ish.
Reading your last blog, sounds like we've both had problems with the female of the species. What a strange type they are tongue biggrin

Hope things are cool man, get in touch.
I don't care what anyone says, and I know you don't think she's any good for me Dixy, whether she's fucking me over or not, (I don't believe she is, but then, I'm biased I suppose) I can't stop thinking about her.

I thought I was doing really well letting go, but right now I miss her like hell.

For once, can I get involved...
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Crikey, you're an angry sod this weather.

Truth is, your friends see things you don't, and always have your best interests at heart, even if they're telling you what you don't want to hear.

Obviously i don't know what i'm talking about, so i'll leave again, but i'm sure Dixy's just looking out for her friend. You'd do the same probably. And you're a nice guy, you shouldn't let a girl treat you any less than amazing, it's what you deserve. And you'll get it too, if you bide your time. And lust fades, and if there's not much else there, then when it's gone, there's not much else there, and you'll wonder what you were thinking in the first place.

Chin up shipmate.
Hey all! Happy new year and all that shit.

Well... Better update, I suppose. Here goes:

Over the past while (since I last updated) I've been seeing a quite frankly unbelievable girl. That changed for the worse the day before new years eve. Since we've known each other, which has only been for a few months, we've got together twice, and broken up twice. We're...
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Happy new year man, here's to a good one. Lets not leave it too long before we get pissed together eh?

I myself have a new job and I'm getting THE tattoo on the 12th (OMG NERDGASM)

Hope all is well matey.

Thunder... Thunder... Thunder...


glad to see your talking sense on this all now man!! dixy may be harsh but she is often correct!!

and yeah i Wii would be freakin awesome, how much are they do you know??
Hey all! Happy new year and all that shit.

Well... Better update, I suppose. Here goes:

Over the past while (since I last updated) I've been seeing a quite frankly unbelievable girl. That changed for the worse the day before new years eve. Since we've known each other, which has only been for a few months, we've got together twice, and broken up twice. We're...
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Holy shit, I'm tired.

In lieu of a proper update, I'll say a few things and list a few things. Haha.

My birthday night out was epic, everything I thought it would be. Soooo many people came out to drink, dance be merry and fall over. Amazing presents were bought for me, the lovely Dixy bought me a set of juggling boobs (that is, 3...
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"Nice idea for the tattoo, I wish I thought of it. Think of all the dorky chick's reactions! :B"

I...I never did...the reactions I mean.

Win biggrin

We should get some drinks in soon.

Holy shit, what happened to my profile? SG just decided to delete all of the info in it. Had to spend aaages re-doing the whole damn thing. It's ben fixed now though. Man, that was hard wotk. Haha.


Ok, now that I have enough time to, and because Dixy's been shouting at me to do one, I think I'll do an update. Hehe....
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Happy birthday, man! Hope you have a good 'un smile
Thank you for the nice message. You are sweet, so lets be friends.
Holy shit, what a weekend....

Saturday was mental. Had to get to the venue (a fucking GRAVEYARD!!! Rock 'n' Roll!) for 10am and set up the stage and amps and mics and monitors with the guys. Went on at 12, sang a couple of tracks with the Rock Orchestra, then the students' bands went on, one after the other, and fucking rocked the place. Never...
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There was a storyline in 28 weeks later? I must have missed it...

Sounds like you've been busy as ever and it all sounds like good fun!
UPDATE son of a bitch!
OK, Dixy, I'll update then, seeing as you're about to kick my ass if I don't!

I'll start with this:

Holy shit, I'm knackered!

Edinburgh, SGs, friends, huge-ass burgers, (expensive) alcohol, rock star brethren, not much sleep, work, sleep, study. That was my weekend.

Edinburgh was great though. Went to see Kid Ego with my friends and "sisters" Dixy Suicide and Yaz, met the lovely...
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hehehhe, Yeah, there were a load of "May the 4th be with you" texts flying about on Friday between a few fellow geeks and myself.
confused Leah
eeek Luke
wink Han
ooo aaa Chewie
ARRR!!! Obi Wan
puke Yoda
robot R2
blush C3PO
Aw crap, missed you yesterday. Sorry, dude. How did it go anyways?
Hey everybody, I'm back!

Man, I've been busy.

Girlz 'n' Toyz finally got into the studio, we've got half a CD written already and are doing a promo shoot on wednesday or thursday...

I quit my job as a checkout monkey, and I'm now tutoring at the Loud 'n' Proud School of Rock, which is the best job any musician could hope for...

Arcadia have...
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why don't you update you shit head!! heheh
how are you?
Holy shit.

Exams, exams, exams.

I can't wait til the 17th, then it'll all be over,and I'll also have a week to veg out at the flat and do nothing. Man, that'll be sweet.

Missing all you guys out in the real world, it's seriously annoying sitting here with my education and philosophy notes...

In other news, Emi's set knocked me for six, and...
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Hey man, hows things.

Whats the news in your life?
I hate Karma

*read blog*