When did this sight become way more Hetero?

puke puke puke
We should start an army! Cute, little girls like us deserve cute girls! It's true. Together, a little black cat and I will rescue the world from heterosexuality.
(Sounds way more appealing than homework. *nodsnodsnods*)
Bon chance mes petites.
Today is Sunday, the day you know you should catch up on work and read more and write more and generally prepare for the week ahead. This is not usually my natural inclination. Sunday is the day of "oooh, the week starts for real tomorrow and I just want a little more fun. Just a little. Maybe movies or a nap or trying to find...
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I'm glad you enjoyed the show. Hopefully you've enjoyed your day.
I am quite pleased that I actually have tomorrow off. Wacky holidays...
Tomorrow night is going to be quite exciting. I'm going to the ThouShaltNot show at the Rex Theater with several of my friends and then we are going to have a girly slumber party with my favourite person who deserves to be a girl.

We will parody every girl sleepover stereotype that my friends can handle. Sadly we probably won't all get naked because that...
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don't forget pillowfights! they are, perhaps, the most important component of the girlie slumber party. have fun without me.
Now don't go using me as an excuse like that...she can do whatever she wants clothed or not wink I hope you all have a great time.
I've been to London, New Hampshire and all over Kentucky. The travels were grand but I'm very glad to be settling back into a semester at school. Graduation and changes come soon enough. Today I sent out my last new important grad school applications. This means I won't be as stressed and nervous as I have been for months.
blarg! I dressed up cutely and took fun pictures tonight and now my silly camera and software won't connect. I don't have any of the discs with me because I am at college and not home. Arg, grrr.

In other news my Senior Thesis has one pretty much finished and complete chapter. 24 full pages.

If any word could sum up the frustration a situation like that can conjure it would be most definately "Blarg!" Well met!
where is flemingsburg in relation to louisville? ^_^
I think I might be catching my roommate's bug. Grrr at illness and grr at not being able to eat as healthily as I'd prefer.

I dream of my own stir fry. Red Peppers(so many red pepper bits), snow peas, broccoli, good tofu, peanuts, maybe some carrot shreddings and yellow pepper as well. For seasoning I'd choose soy sauce with ginger and a bit of...
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ME... trying to make YOU swoon?! NEVER!... er... ALWAYS! tongue hehe Yes, yes... I'm guilty of the swooning... sorry! blush
I wanna go sledding with cafeteria trays!! biggrin That sounds like fun! I'm not sure when the last time was that I actually ate fruit of any kind... hmm... maybe it really would be a special reward! I have a horrible diet - as you can probably guess from that comment.

I have 3 papers to write before I'm totally finished. One is on interactions on internet porn sites (don't worry, I'm not studying you - if I was I wouldn't be chatting with you also! It's just a proposal, not an actual research project), the second one is on spanking children (that idea really should be more developed at this point, but it's not - which is why this weekend is hell for me), and the third is doing something with Marx and/or Foucault (it's for a religion class but I know nothing about religion so I'm going to ask her if I can just write on anything using one or both of those theorists - but that's not due till the 30th). So yeah... I wish it was over but it's not. blackeyed

I'll definitely try to say hi to you online in order to procrastinate though! biggrin
Right now I'm in my room, happily eating cheerios and watching my roommate read. She's ill and enjoying Heinlein in order to get better. Now is also time for those letters of intent for grad school. I feel like someone peddling quack medicines to the elderly or stupid and overly hopeful.

I keep trying to add more pics because my hair is different now and...
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I think a lot of the percieved gulf between members and models comes as models are around for longer. After a while you get past just being so excited to be here and to get compliments that you're really really laid back...eventually you start to notice creepiness more. Also, this always happens every once in a while, but especially lately there have been more people joining who think that being on this site gives them licence to be extremely rude...and I don't mean making off color jokes, I mean the people who e-mail SGs asking for sex or the people who write nasty comments on photosets like "prude, show more pussy" and "this girl is just ugly" (and those are actual examples of comments I've seen)

I don't view members as automatically creepy at all...but I am always aware that someone can become creepy or that someone who seems kind of creepy can get gradually worse, and I also always think that people who join SG need to know that they need to be polite and respectful to the girls....otherwise this will become a very unpleasant place to be. Most people here aren't like that, but there are many people who think that if a chick gets naked or is in porn, she doesn't deserve basic respect, or that they can say anything to her. Those people just don't belong here.
I agree, everyone deserves respect. I just think that once someone is a total ass to an SG, or to any other member really, their right to respect goes right down the tubes.
Yeah, I've gotten back to campus and I can't think about much besides either kink or Christmas. I know that is not a traditional pairing, they stay separate in my head but they keep showing up.

I am trying to come up with a plan for building a piece of dungeon equipment. I have some ideas but I need to find a place for me...
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Do you mean my nighttime dreams or like my goals/dreams?
hehe - Sorry... the more I study the less I'm able to realize what people are saying in regular language. surreal

I don't remember a lot of my nighttime dreams... The ones I do remember are kind of scary (people chasing me or trying to find me when I'm hiding usually). They're usually very vivid and I wake up and don't want to sleep again because if I do the dream will start where it left off.
I turn 22 sometime between now and morning. I wish I could be home because I think it is something best acknowledged with those that brought one into the world. But then again I might just want to be home because I miss Raisin.

In other news I can now empathize with kitties that get stuck in trees. It feels really dumb but desperate at...
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happy (belated) birthday also
(hope you got out of that tree.. its been raining lots)
Just read through your profile.
I realize I don't know you, but I like you, dispite the mountain dew wink
Hrm, today did not involve enough work. That might be okay because panic is good for my work ethic...? I will write more and I will connect Foucault to Marcus and argue in a way that my advisor promised would make gradaute professor hearts sing. We'll just see if he's right.

In other news I am being a restless little thing again. I am dubious...
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What would you like to know?
Whoa, I got wicked distracted.

Yup, I like popcorn; either the coconut oil DEEEAAATH popcorn that theatres have or microwave popcorn. I haven't had the real kind in... holy crap, something like nine years.

Where in England did you live? My dad's from Ipswitch/Geurnsey. I've been to England to see family/tourist around/see The Wildhearts, but that's about it.