Saturday Apr 28, 2007 Apr 28, 2007 1 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 13 of 13 COMMENTS zarth: Like I said, I found it pretty squirmy in parts, and I had sympathy for his victims more often than not (with several notorious exceptions). What he really reminded of were the Milgram experiments, and it was that aspect of the film, and his work in general, that I found interesting. But I certainly don't blame you for not being able to stomach it. Apr 30, 2007 subnatural: There had better be more coming, or I'm gonna be very, very disappointed. Apr 30, 2007
What he really reminded of were the Milgram experiments, and it was that aspect of the film, and his work in general, that I found interesting.
But I certainly don't blame you for not being able to stomach it.