It's 9:30 p.m. My children are all home safe. Why should this seem odd to you, dear readers? Why, because spring break is over for my sons. They're supposed to be back in Houston. But they aren't. They got bumped by United. Again. Apparently, United has a policy of overbooking EVERY flight. Seriously. When I tried to get them on a flight for tomorrow, I was told they could fly stand by, but every flight was booked. In fact, overbooked. So, after waiting for two hours for a manager, I got them booked on a flight for Tuesday afternoon. And I made sure they had seat confirmations, y'know, since United likes to OVERBOOK.
Gah. Oh, but their luggage? It's in Houston. The baggage compartment is NEVER overbooked.
Gah. Oh, but their luggage? It's in Houston. The baggage compartment is NEVER overbooked.

maybe you should stuff the boys in some luggage? (with air holes, of course)...