I looked over on the tab of my firefox and noted that my gmail account has 42 emails in it still unread. Imagine that. 42. Who knew that my email account would hold the answer to life, the universe and everything?? It must be a sign, truly.
For those not paying attention, I posted a pic of my new tat. It's verra pretty and I'm pleased with it. I've already decided on number two, though I must admit it holds a little less meaning than #1. If you're familiar with the book or movie The Secret, you should know the logo, which has a wax seal and the letter S on it. My first name starts with an S, so I thought, "ooh, how nifty!" So on my hip I'd like to gte that red wax seal alone.
As for the Secret, you may wonder if I believe in it, and for those that know my buddhist leanings, how could something that seems so blatantly materialistic be appropriate for me to follow. The answer is, well, I believe *some* of it, specifically, that our thoughts do have some degree of effect on our actions and our lives as a whole. I think that if you *do* think positively, you are more likely to have good things happen to you, just as if you think negatively, there's that whole "self fulfilling prophecy" that comes into play. I am not likely to do as they show in the movie and visualize having a car or a gold necklace or a fancy new home. But I am likely to visualize having a life of happy, content relationships, not just for me, but for the world around me. I learned a long time ago that if I greet the world with a smile, I'm much more likely to have those I meet smile back at me. And that's a lovely thing.
For those not paying attention, I posted a pic of my new tat. It's verra pretty and I'm pleased with it. I've already decided on number two, though I must admit it holds a little less meaning than #1. If you're familiar with the book or movie The Secret, you should know the logo, which has a wax seal and the letter S on it. My first name starts with an S, so I thought, "ooh, how nifty!" So on my hip I'd like to gte that red wax seal alone.
As for the Secret, you may wonder if I believe in it, and for those that know my buddhist leanings, how could something that seems so blatantly materialistic be appropriate for me to follow. The answer is, well, I believe *some* of it, specifically, that our thoughts do have some degree of effect on our actions and our lives as a whole. I think that if you *do* think positively, you are more likely to have good things happen to you, just as if you think negatively, there's that whole "self fulfilling prophecy" that comes into play. I am not likely to do as they show in the movie and visualize having a car or a gold necklace or a fancy new home. But I am likely to visualize having a life of happy, content relationships, not just for me, but for the world around me. I learned a long time ago that if I greet the world with a smile, I'm much more likely to have those I meet smile back at me. And that's a lovely thing.
my theory is that the makers of the video, had to dangle carrots of wealth in front of the average viewer to get them to sit thru to the final third of it, where the message finally shifted away from that materialism. you know what i mean? tho the first 2/3 were a little hard to stomache, i do think that it was a definite choice. sometimes you gotta hide the pill deep inside the cat food.