Strike 1 on the design front. So I emailed her a bunch of references. In case you were curious, I'll share them with you to tide you over until I've got the ink itself, I suppose.
The Aum symbol I was thinking of was this one:
You'll note the circle on the right isn't closed, and resembles more of a "hook." I'd like the bird to be encircled by that hook, and have it winging back, it's head up by the "bowl" with the dot, preferably making it look like the bird is feeding from the dot.
Here is a plate of a long tailed hummingbird for reference:
This is similar to the positioning I would want: ... if it would be easier, if just the tail is curling around and thru the hook of the aum, that would probably work just fine and still be close enough to what I want to be happy with it.
The Aum symbol I was thinking of was this one:
You'll note the circle on the right isn't closed, and resembles more of a "hook." I'd like the bird to be encircled by that hook, and have it winging back, it's head up by the "bowl" with the dot, preferably making it look like the bird is feeding from the dot.
Here is a plate of a long tailed hummingbird for reference:
This is similar to the positioning I would want: ... if it would be easier, if just the tail is curling around and thru the hook of the aum, that would probably work just fine and still be close enough to what I want to be happy with it.
Cool... what size and where are you thinking about putting it?
thank you!