I'm a fast reader. I devour words on page and screen alike. However, this can lead to some odd misreads at times. Today's was relatively harmless. I had purchased something at Amazon for my niece's birthday, and they sent me an email asking me to rate the transaction. the subject line read: will you please rate your transaction ... I read it as You WILL rate your transaction. So of course, in my mind, I heard it as a german SS officer, saying, "you VILL rate your transaction," immediately followed by the random comment of "papers ...?"
I blame the lack of proper sleep. Woke up at a godawful hour to find myself in a forced fetal position because the stupid mutt, Issues, chose to sleep curled up against my legs. Yes, my dog is named Issues. Now I can honestly say, "I have Issues." Well, I probably could before, but now I have an excuse.
Hey, Galaxy42? Got any more cookies?
I blame the lack of proper sleep. Woke up at a godawful hour to find myself in a forced fetal position because the stupid mutt, Issues, chose to sleep curled up against my legs. Yes, my dog is named Issues. Now I can honestly say, "I have Issues." Well, I probably could before, but now I have an excuse.

Hey, Galaxy42? Got any more cookies?
You VILL eat deese cookies... and you VILL LIKE IT!