Holy Geez of SG's!
The guilt that I have for not making a post in over 2 months is unbearable...
It's like I blinked and now my entire summer is over...gone...done. What the fuck happened?
So...What have I been up to lately? Well....nothing. Absolutely nothing.
I have gone on several interviews looking for a job (which is my main objective at this point in time) and I have received some offers, but none of them were going to be the right fit for me. And plus, the salaries they were offering were nowhere even near what a college grad should make. Cheap-os.
It's really saddening though, because I thought that I would rock at this career search stuff, I am so insanely organized and persistent--professional--but somehow I have managed to fail. I have been working so hard at this and...nothing. It is the most frustrating thing to me in the world. It is so hard to get back on the horse, too. I send out resumes, and nothing. The job market out here definitely does not need graphic designers. As a matter of fact, most of the positions that I have applied for aren't even actual design jobs! It's crazy.
I'm beginning to think that I may have to look (gasp!) elsewhere...aka the dreaded midwest. I'm not making any rash decisions yet...but I have entertained the thought. I would be miserable beyond belief there, but hey, I would probably have a job.
So, that is a rundown of things in the Dora finding a job department...
My birthday is coming up and that is pretty much all I can think about right now. My best friend is flying out here and we are going up to Scottsdale to see Massive Attack, shop and eat at fancy restaurants--because it will be my birthday! Yeah mutha.
I think the summer has been pretty mild here, which is truly exciting. Not so much of a blast furnace feeling. Always a good thing.
I've been making it to the gym (with no job what the hell else am I supposed to do?) at least 4 times a week for the past months. So, unfortunately, that new set that is in the works (still) will not highlight my new svelte bod. JK
Seriously, though-I am so fucking excited about the SG TOUR! AAHHHHH! I'm so excited, I have no words. AAAAHHHHHH! Grab every kid you know and go to this, people. I will be at Club Congress fo sho. And you better be there, too.
I need a new profile pic, huh? I'll try working on that pronto. Sweet.
I seriously love you guys, really. And I will try not to be such a bad little SG, k?
The guilt that I have for not making a post in over 2 months is unbearable...
It's like I blinked and now my entire summer is over...gone...done. What the fuck happened?
So...What have I been up to lately? Well....nothing. Absolutely nothing.
I have gone on several interviews looking for a job (which is my main objective at this point in time) and I have received some offers, but none of them were going to be the right fit for me. And plus, the salaries they were offering were nowhere even near what a college grad should make. Cheap-os.
It's really saddening though, because I thought that I would rock at this career search stuff, I am so insanely organized and persistent--professional--but somehow I have managed to fail. I have been working so hard at this and...nothing. It is the most frustrating thing to me in the world. It is so hard to get back on the horse, too. I send out resumes, and nothing. The job market out here definitely does not need graphic designers. As a matter of fact, most of the positions that I have applied for aren't even actual design jobs! It's crazy.
I'm beginning to think that I may have to look (gasp!) elsewhere...aka the dreaded midwest. I'm not making any rash decisions yet...but I have entertained the thought. I would be miserable beyond belief there, but hey, I would probably have a job.
So, that is a rundown of things in the Dora finding a job department...
My birthday is coming up and that is pretty much all I can think about right now. My best friend is flying out here and we are going up to Scottsdale to see Massive Attack, shop and eat at fancy restaurants--because it will be my birthday! Yeah mutha.
I think the summer has been pretty mild here, which is truly exciting. Not so much of a blast furnace feeling. Always a good thing.
I've been making it to the gym (with no job what the hell else am I supposed to do?) at least 4 times a week for the past months. So, unfortunately, that new set that is in the works (still) will not highlight my new svelte bod. JK
Seriously, though-I am so fucking excited about the SG TOUR! AAHHHHH! I'm so excited, I have no words. AAAAHHHHHH! Grab every kid you know and go to this, people. I will be at Club Congress fo sho. And you better be there, too.

I need a new profile pic, huh? I'll try working on that pronto. Sweet.
I seriously love you guys, really. And I will try not to be such a bad little SG, k?
Dreaded midwest? Atleast here you Know you have a job and roof over you head. But really don't give up. Ya got talent kid, it will come together.