holluh sg land!
I just got done cleaning my entire apartment, while I am sure my roomies are recovering from their hangovers...
NOT to quote smashing pumpkins (because billy corgan has the most annoying voice ever) cleanliness is next to godliness...
i am one of those people who truly believes this. you can disagree, but that is probably because you are a slob.
so i am in a bitchy-cleaning-rampage type of mood right now...
i want to write a letter to my roomies that goes something like this...
dear lazy bitches...
I am not your mother...
clean up your mess!
-meh, i can't think of anything else, i am too nice.
i have to go shopping to find my sister a birthday present of some sort...i like buying her gifts because her birthday is the day after valentine's day + it's easy to pick a theme of red hearts for the packaging.
okay, later ya'll
I just got done cleaning my entire apartment, while I am sure my roomies are recovering from their hangovers...
NOT to quote smashing pumpkins (because billy corgan has the most annoying voice ever) cleanliness is next to godliness...
i am one of those people who truly believes this. you can disagree, but that is probably because you are a slob.

so i am in a bitchy-cleaning-rampage type of mood right now...
i want to write a letter to my roomies that goes something like this...
dear lazy bitches...
I am not your mother...
clean up your mess!
-meh, i can't think of anything else, i am too nice.
i have to go shopping to find my sister a birthday present of some sort...i like buying her gifts because her birthday is the day after valentine's day + it's easy to pick a theme of red hearts for the packaging.

okay, later ya'll
She is quite jealous. I used to like her, I don't really anymore now.
Boobies make the world go round alright, but only her's as far as she's concerend.
Being a nice guy sucks. I would prefer to be a 'gentelman', mainly as while they are polite and nice, they don't take crap.
Ok I just made that up, I dunno.
I'm not feeling very lucid tonight, despite the caffine pulsating in my bloodstream.
Have fun at work...if possible