The sextoy party... I have to say one of the most uncomfortable events in my life. Getting bludgeoned with vibrators by KellyJanice didn't help either.... there is more to say but I am lazy.. so here are the pics.
Thank you Redviolet for hosting the party. Looking lovely as usual.
I think we are calling littlechaos little tuna from now on.
The only image I got of the lovely PunkyDoll and she has her head turned
Day of Defeat: Source baby! With the score of yours truely...
The best damn DoD:Source server Maps From Hell
and I leave you all with a *sigh* There is still so much going on in my mind, so much that I miss, and a voice I would love to hear... but what can you do right?
Thank you Redviolet for hosting the party. Looking lovely as usual.

I think we are calling littlechaos little tuna from now on.

The only image I got of the lovely PunkyDoll and she has her head turned

Day of Defeat: Source baby! With the score of yours truely...

The best damn DoD:Source server Maps From Hell
and I leave you all with a *sigh* There is still so much going on in my mind, so much that I miss, and a voice I would love to hear... but what can you do right?

man do i have some fun stuff for you.