I am so freaken tired...
Day of Defeat: Source came out. That took up some of my time the last few days.
It's freaken 4:30am right now. I am doing my french homework if anyone cares. I don't remember any of it from highschool. It's not hard though but I think my professor is a bit nuts. I also have like 6 chapters to read in my politics class and an assignment that we are supposed to do. Blah.
I repurchased the Rammstein Live Aus Berlin dvd. I love that DVD. They supposedly have a new live dvd comming out in december along with their new album. I am very happy to hear this.Rammstein has yet to release a bad cd and the new single Benzin is pretty good in my opinion. Next week the In Flames special edition DVD comes out and I will definately pickk that up. I have been waiting for that DVD for months now.
Baughn took me to sam ash today. I got my hands on a REAL ESP guitar not the korean made LTDs that I own. It played very well. I hate the finish though. The satin finish doesn't quite do it for me but they are expenting more ESP guitars within the next few months. I would love to get my hands on a M-II urban camo.
As for how I have been doing. I have been swinging between moods of depression to apathy. Sometimes I think I worry more about other people then myself. I hung out with RedViolet and littlechaos a few times last week. They are good company and great friends. Other then that, I havn't really gone anywhere. Just stayed home and hung out with Bob. Met some cool people in my french class and they are ALL older then me. I feel like a kid there. It's all good though. Makes me appreciate my age more since some of them are married and have kids and stuff. I have the time to go out and date, that is if I found a girl that was worth dating, go to parties, basically do whatever I want. <--- hey look some optimism.
Day of Defeat: Source came out. That took up some of my time the last few days.
It's freaken 4:30am right now. I am doing my french homework if anyone cares. I don't remember any of it from highschool. It's not hard though but I think my professor is a bit nuts. I also have like 6 chapters to read in my politics class and an assignment that we are supposed to do. Blah.
I repurchased the Rammstein Live Aus Berlin dvd. I love that DVD. They supposedly have a new live dvd comming out in december along with their new album. I am very happy to hear this.Rammstein has yet to release a bad cd and the new single Benzin is pretty good in my opinion. Next week the In Flames special edition DVD comes out and I will definately pickk that up. I have been waiting for that DVD for months now.
Baughn took me to sam ash today. I got my hands on a REAL ESP guitar not the korean made LTDs that I own. It played very well. I hate the finish though. The satin finish doesn't quite do it for me but they are expenting more ESP guitars within the next few months. I would love to get my hands on a M-II urban camo.
As for how I have been doing. I have been swinging between moods of depression to apathy. Sometimes I think I worry more about other people then myself. I hung out with RedViolet and littlechaos a few times last week. They are good company and great friends. Other then that, I havn't really gone anywhere. Just stayed home and hung out with Bob. Met some cool people in my french class and they are ALL older then me. I feel like a kid there. It's all good though. Makes me appreciate my age more since some of them are married and have kids and stuff. I have the time to go out and date, that is if I found a girl that was worth dating, go to parties, basically do whatever I want. <--- hey look some optimism.
mmm Ive always wanted to see rammstein live ... I mean, Id even settle to see the dvd of them live. I hear they do some killer pyrotechnics!
good seein you agan this weekend,, i wanna see pics /wink