Blah, last week was such a shitty week. Thank God it ended...
Last night was the In Flames and Trivium concert. Bad ass fucking show man. I love In Flames. Just what I needed to put an end to a shitty week. I feel tons better now.
Last November, I met this girl. It was an intresting meeting since we were playing a Battleground and after she asked to hang out with my friend Harlee, who got me to start playing WoW, and since then we became really good friends. I have to admit that she is one of the best friends I have ever had online. We clicked right from the start and the whole time I actually thought she was a dude playing a female character which is very common on WoW. We got to exchanging MSN SN's and stuff which I give to people that I really like to talk to so not very many people have it. So at this point, Baughn put up a ventrilo server which is a chat server and we talked and I discovered that she was actually a girl and a very pretty one at that.. I guess all the flirting she did made sense and wasn't some creepy 40 year old fat dude. She is one of the most amazing girls I know.
Meet the lovely Calesto
This is Calesto and I on our "date" in Maraudon before we went and killed Princess.
This is our "date" to Moonglades
We got a tad bored with our server being all laggy and shit so we went to another server and made gnomes. It was funny, we were just at an Inn dancing and gnomes have some pretty provocative dances and people were just shaking their heads at us.
This was a nice pose that we got.
This is my guy, Spikeh
This is my friend Harlee, who got me into WoW, doing something perverted. I had no idea she had this in her, she is one of the sweetest most innocent girls I know... or so I thought.
This is the lovely face behind the lovely Calesto
and I really probably shouldn't be putting her picture up but she has a blog anyways so it's all good.
Last night was the In Flames and Trivium concert. Bad ass fucking show man. I love In Flames. Just what I needed to put an end to a shitty week. I feel tons better now.
Last November, I met this girl. It was an intresting meeting since we were playing a Battleground and after she asked to hang out with my friend Harlee, who got me to start playing WoW, and since then we became really good friends. I have to admit that she is one of the best friends I have ever had online. We clicked right from the start and the whole time I actually thought she was a dude playing a female character which is very common on WoW. We got to exchanging MSN SN's and stuff which I give to people that I really like to talk to so not very many people have it. So at this point, Baughn put up a ventrilo server which is a chat server and we talked and I discovered that she was actually a girl and a very pretty one at that.. I guess all the flirting she did made sense and wasn't some creepy 40 year old fat dude. She is one of the most amazing girls I know.
Meet the lovely Calesto

This is Calesto and I on our "date" in Maraudon before we went and killed Princess.

This is our "date" to Moonglades

We got a tad bored with our server being all laggy and shit so we went to another server and made gnomes. It was funny, we were just at an Inn dancing and gnomes have some pretty provocative dances and people were just shaking their heads at us.
This was a nice pose that we got.

This is my guy, Spikeh

This is my friend Harlee, who got me into WoW, doing something perverted. I had no idea she had this in her, she is one of the sweetest most innocent girls I know... or so I thought.

This is the lovely face behind the lovely Calesto

i can never understand those games
who'da thought... meeting a good looking girl on an online RPG. that's awesome. maybe i should take up gaming again.