Wow, It's been 1 year since I got active with SGColumbus. My first real event being Bento then MissBernie's bday up in Akron then again in Cbus. So much has gone on and changed. Friends have come and gone. Love gained and lost. I'm still happy I got to meet a lot of you guys. Some of you made my 2005 much easier to deal with.
Special mentions to Baughn who is no longer active on SG for helping me out when I need a place to live. Joey for actually dating me, which is something most hot girls wouldn't even take the time to do. Havoc for being an awesome friend with all the aftermath. Carrotjuice for helping me out the last few months. The Kelly's KellyJanice and Redviolet for hanging out with me those few times and being such awesome friends when I need friends. PunkyDoll for being a hot gamer chick cuz she is one :p
Molonel just because it's been 3 years since I last saw him way before I even knew of SG. And to everyone else that I had a chance to hang out with. Thank you all
Special mentions to Baughn who is no longer active on SG for helping me out when I need a place to live. Joey for actually dating me, which is something most hot girls wouldn't even take the time to do. Havoc for being an awesome friend with all the aftermath. Carrotjuice for helping me out the last few months. The Kelly's KellyJanice and Redviolet for hanging out with me those few times and being such awesome friends when I need friends. PunkyDoll for being a hot gamer chick cuz she is one :p

Do you really? I had no idea...everytime I've been through Ohio it was, well, sunny. Maybe I just caugh y'all on a good day

hehe! yeah, i'm back. i actually have a bit of money now!! (woo aww!) can't stay away from all this hottness for too long! and now i get to chat you up on myspace too eh? rad.