My homeroom teacher, Mr. Darnley, in JR High passed away today.
That was so long ago but he was an awesome person. He was always making boardgames and table games because he was a shop teacher. I never got to take shop because I was in band but he still let me do stuff around shop class. He was a really cool guy. Always really kick back and stuff especially on attendance because we all know I have a perfect record and am always on time right? I miss those days. No responsibilities and no cares. So much has changed.
R.I.P. Mr. Darnley... the only teacher that let me get away with all the shit I did in JR High.

R.I.P. Mr. Darnley... the only teacher that let me get away with all the shit I did in JR High.

I can understand...the Midwest is odd, especially compared to Cali. I have family in SD and every time I visit I swear I'm going to a new country

ketamine, its an animal tranqualizer