To all of you fuckers that think I am a horrible person because I choose to be a Republican. FUCK YOU!!! You can eat shit and die because I don't want to be friends with a person that thinks I am a fucking idiot because of my political beliefs. I believe that I am a very nice person and sling money to anyone that needs it when I have it. I am in no way selfish. I help everyone that I can if I am able to. Why? Because I have the money to. I would rather spend my fucking money that I fucking worked my ass off to earn then have some fucker with no face take it from me. I have some friends here that needed money even though I barely knew them, I gave them the money anyways. Did it matter to me? Not really. They hey needed it for their own personal reasons that I will not share with the world but I was nice and gave them what they needed. With the money I have given people that needed. I could of already bought the guitar amp that I really wanted or even put it towards a new BMW or even buy Baughn his fucking bass. I rarely splurge on myself. The only 2 things that are of any value are the 2 guitars that I recently bought. My beliefs are my fucking beliefs and what I support is my fucking business. You are nobody to judge me and fuck you for judging me. I will date a fucking republican if I want. I will vote republican if I want and you are a hypocrite for criticizing me because you supposedly are supposedly about freedoms right? FUCK OFF HIPPIE. I lived in a very liberal state in a very liberal area and most of my friends are very liberal. I never had to deal with any of this prejudice shit back home but democrats are all against prejudice right? You hate me because I am a republican so how much of a piece of shit does that make you? 95% of all my friends back home are democrat and they are nowhere near the close-minded ignorant pieces of shit that you are. Pull your head out of your fucking ass. There are a lot of great democrats out there that are really good friends of mine. I do not mean to insult them in anyway. If you are insulted by this then you are no better then what you hate you hypocritical piece of tree hugging shit.
what last night gave you, my friend, is a look at what republicans do to liberals. maybe not YOU, but in general. they think that liberals are baby-killing asshats.
you can ask anyone you please. i am not a close-minded person. if someone can back up their opinions, then good for them. if someone backs up their opinions with, "well, i want to make millions and not get taxed heavily." well that's fucking SELFISH. republicans want to privitize everything, why? not because it's for the greater good, that's for damn sure.
talk to me intelligently and maybe we can actually get along. otherwise, it's not going to happen. from day one, you have talked down to me about politics (and most other things, really) and as if i didn't know anything, never once admitting when you were wrong. (remember the oil conversation, my friend?) maybe we can be civil, but not until YOU get your head out of your ass as well.
[Edited on Oct 19, 2005 9:28PM]