So I take this online politics class. On the latest discussion, we discussed Iraq... Some fuckhole had to bring up Vietnam and how pointless it was. WELL FUCK I'M VIETNAMESE I AM ALIVE BECAUSE OF THAT FUCKING WAR YOU LIBERAL TREEHUGGIN HIPPIE MOTHER FUCKER!!! I would of said that but I would of gotten expelled. Ignorant fucks... I swear to god. I hate people. I only know what's on the news and this is how I feel because the news in no way lies to me or changes the story so the station that you are watching may get higher ratings. That couldn't be possible. A few nights ago, I go to my friends house who is an officer in the Coast Guard and was over there training people for a few weeks. He got to see whats up and tells me that the news dosen't show shit. Gee you think? I think Hypercrew and a few other sg members in the military have any right to say what the fuck is going on over there and shit. Not some fuck that is there trying to be all dramatic to get ratings. So I get to argue how many millions of Vietnamese including members of my family that were slaughterd because the hippies that wanted the US to pull out of Nam... You are looking at the same thing if the US pulls out of Iraq now. Do people understand this? Millions of Iraqis will die for supporting the US. I know most of you are against the war and don't give a shit or don't know details exept for what the media decides to tell you. I get my sources from my friends that have fought over there. I would like to see what hypercrew has to say about what's going on and what he has seen, both good and bad. Most of the people in my class believe that the insurgents are Iraqi... Then I mention Syria and Iran and they are all.. WTF it's not their war they arn't going in Iraq and fighting our soldiers... I just wish my politics class from California was accepted so I didn't have to deal with a bunch of ignorant fuckers that believe everything the media tells them.
I spent last night and this morning adjusting my guitar. I brought it to the shop since the D string was buzzing at the first fret and it sounded like a fucking bumble bee. So I get it back now my E-D strings were buzzing and the action was set to 3.5mm when it is suppose to be 2mm at th E string and 2 when it is suppose to be 1.5mm. So I was fucking with the truss rod in my neck then my fucking B string broke. So I couldn't fully adjust and tune my guitar and set the action properly without having the correct tension so I went to Music Go Round. Being the dumbass I was, I bought the wrong gauge strings and had to drive across town to Guitar Center to get strings. I also got my strap locks that I ordered like 3 weeks ago. Came home and changed out my strings and readjusted my guitar again. IT is playing a lot better now. I love that guitar.
8 days till I get older... YAY!!! There is only 1 thing that I really want but no one can buy it for me. The other things that I would like and no one can afford them for me so meh. I won't be expecting anything for my birthday like usual.
I spent last night and this morning adjusting my guitar. I brought it to the shop since the D string was buzzing at the first fret and it sounded like a fucking bumble bee. So I get it back now my E-D strings were buzzing and the action was set to 3.5mm when it is suppose to be 2mm at th E string and 2 when it is suppose to be 1.5mm. So I was fucking with the truss rod in my neck then my fucking B string broke. So I couldn't fully adjust and tune my guitar and set the action properly without having the correct tension so I went to Music Go Round. Being the dumbass I was, I bought the wrong gauge strings and had to drive across town to Guitar Center to get strings. I also got my strap locks that I ordered like 3 weeks ago. Came home and changed out my strings and readjusted my guitar again. IT is playing a lot better now. I love that guitar.
8 days till I get older... YAY!!! There is only 1 thing that I really want but no one can buy it for me. The other things that I would like and no one can afford them for me so meh. I won't be expecting anything for my birthday like usual.
The insurgents are foreign, mostly Saudis trained in Syria, then they cross the border to Iraq. the Iraqi people are scared and need help, they fight right along side with the Coalition forces, when I was just about killed, the Iraqis set up security for the outer perimiter so I could get medivaced, we cannot abandon them. If we did, all the troops killed or injured were for naught, the Iraqis will crumble without us training them to defend well.
since you cant afford to buy what you want you can always buy me what I want