Sometimes it's really hard being a good bro. One of my best friends, Skatera, is in federal prison right now, looking at about 9 or 10 years in all. I am friends with his girl friend/mother of his child. She is really hot, and really cool, and I would love to be with her, if she wasn't my bor's old lady. I know she really digs me too. Well, she just lost her apartment last week so since then she has been staying with my at my squat. There is only one mattress, and she has no blankets, so I have been sharing my bed with her. Well, the other night I had been drinking and was kinda wasted, and we were just laying there in bed and next thing I knew we were making out. We were both really into each other, and it would have been great, except I realized that even though my bro is in jail, she is still technically his girlfriend. I know she has cheated on him a couple of times since he has been down, and there is no way in hell that she is gonna be able to wait for him to get out, but all the same, I don't fuck around with other people's girlfriends. That just goes against what I believe in. So I stopped myself, and I kinda regret it. But at least my conscience is clear, and I guess that's what's important.

Girls come and go, but friends are forever...You did the right thing